Chapter 12

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It's evening, Ruin's asleep in the theater, where he and Solar used to sleep together...


Solar woke up with a sharp gasp, grasping at his shirt, his eyes wide in fear, his breathing rapid and heavy, shaking.
Ruin woke up, he sees Solar, he puts his hand on Solar's
"Hey, hey you're safe, Sol, you're okay"
Solar's eyes dart to Ruin
"It's just me darling, you're okay"
Solar calms down slightly
"Another bad dream?"
Solar nods, Ruin sighs, wrapping his arms around Solar's waist comfortingly
"I know you want to cry,Love, let it out, it's okay"
Solar sniffles, before breaking into tears, Ruin comforting him
(A/N: Yes, that is from a previous chapter that I copy and pasted into this)

Ruin sighed, He missed Solar more than anything...everyone did

Solar's POV:

Everyone's been so upset since I died, too bad they can't see me...I mean, obviously they can't, I'm dead- but it'd be nice. Especially if Ruin could see me, speaking of, where is he? I've been watching over Sun for the past few days- he's probably in the theater again-

Yep, he is, powered off- I can't touch him, I'll go straight through him...

A few days later

Solar's POV:

Imma check on Moon, haven't checked he was alright yet...

He goes for parts and services

Sun and Earth are here...they look upset? What's happening?

No ones POV:

S: "Stop yelling-"

M: "SHUT. UP! Moltens already out looking for him, and I will find him and if you're not happy about it I don't care. because we all know neither of you can stop me."

Solar flinched when Moon yelled, getting flashbacks of his Moon.

S: "If you do this I'm not going to be very happy with you, and you know that right?"

M: "I'll accept that. You can be upset with me as long as you wanna be I'm bringing Solar back whether it's for you or me"

Solar(unheard bc he dead and they can't hear him): "...Don't bring me back...don't do that with the risk of Ruin dying and everyone hating you, Moon..."

S: "This isn't for us it's for you. Cause you're... What? You feel like you have  a legacy to live up to?"

M: "Don't I have a legacy to live up to in some way or another?"

S: "Screw your legacy!"

E: "We talked about this Moon! You don't!"

M: "But I do. I have something I was made to do."

E: "Moon, we-"

M: "I. Died. To make other people happy"

Solar: "it isn't making anyone happy!"

S: "is this making us happy?"

M: "I am meant to protect that happiness"

S: "Is this making us happy right now!?"

M: "Again, I don't care, how upset you are with me. We don't like Ruin. Or Bloodmoon. If they're wiped off the face of this dimension, who cares?"

Solar: "I'd care if Ruin died, Moon"

E: "I just know that's a first start for you, that's just gonna Snowball, you're gonna do worse after this. You're allowing yourself to think these bad thoughts we talked about before! And justifying it by saying all these pointless things!"

M: "You aren't a therapist. Stop acting like you can 'fix' me. If I wanted to be fixed I would've said so. I'm always the blunt, honest one."

S: "You're acting a little crazy right now"

M: "Crazy"

S: "You think a sane person thinks this up?"

M: "Yeah, maybe I am crazy! Aren't all Moons? Aren't we a little nuts in the head? Isn't that why we're the ones that sacrifice ourselves? Die? Cause pain to our siblings that we don't want to do? It's because we're crazy."

S: "I'm telling you right now, I...I liked you more than I did him."

M: "And that means more to me then you can know but I can do more-"

S: "Right now, your doing worse"

M: "Congratulations, you found out. By the way, Monty knew for about a week and a half, maybe a month, that I was a bit nuts in the head."

E: "They knew?"

M: "He knew. But he was protecting you. Cause he knows you can't handle it. You can make me the villain in this story. I don't care"

Solar: "Moon..."

S: "We're not gonna focus on Monty right now, that's something we can deal with at another time."

M: "Go for it."

S: "You're not doing it"

M: "Sun. I said it, when I started yell-"

S: "No. There's no compromise here. It's not gonna be a thing! Look, I hate Ruin, I hate bloodmoon- I hate Eclipse as much as the next person but I'm not just gonna start sacrificing people at a state to get somebody back like that! Would Solar want it!? Would he!? Really!?"

M: "If he wants to die, after I bring him back, then that's fine, that's his choice, he didn't get to choose."

Solar: "I wouldn't want to die if I was brought back, but I wouldn't be fine if my lover was dead because of me."

S: "just let it go"

M: "I WILL NOT LET IT GO! I said it when I started yelling and I'll say it again. We all know neither of you two can stop me. So either I can walk out of that door. And not come back. Or I can teleport out of here. Your move. Nothin to say?"

E: "No, I think you spoke enough Moon."

M: "I think you're right"

E: "I just want you to know you can never take back the words you just said to me. No matter how much you apologize after you snap out of this delusion you're living. I'm never forgiving you for what you said to me"

M: "I can live with that"

Moon left, Solar was...shocked...and somewhat scared of Moon, he floats down in between where Sun and Earth were standing, he wished he could hug them, knowing he can't.

E: "Maybe he's right."

S: "No, he's not right."

E: "No I'm not really good at this."

S: "Earth I dont- therapy just-...look-"

E: "No, don't worry about it, I gotta go"

Earth left. Leaving Sun and Solar in the room.

S: "I'm not gonna let him do something he's really gonna regret"

Sun left. It was now just Solar. He realized he was crying, just in that moment, he was reminded so much of his Moon, he goes back to the theater, where Ruin was still powered off, now on charge, where he always sat, Solar sat down next to Ruin, he cuddled to his side. Crying, but no one could here him.

"I'm sorry"

He says

"I'm sorry I died"

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