Chapter 154 <> Second Date Part III

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This is not my story, the original author is Arriacross from Webnovel


This time, both of them were a little more knowledgeable about various pet products so they didn't take almost everything from the shelves unlike the first time they shopped for their kittens. Despite this, they still bought a lot. The car they brought was too small so they asked the shop to deliver their purchases to the penthouse instead. Like before, the manager catered to them, smelling big money from the couple. He immediately agreed. They only needed to pay extra.

Iris beat Jin Liwei, taking out her credit card faster than him. Hers wasn't black like his, but it was still one of the higher end privilege cards available only for the rich.

The manager didn't bat an eye seeing the card. After all, this was an upscale mall and most of the shoppers in this place were wealthy people. He already encountered this card before, but he would still probably freak out if he saw Jin Liwei's legendary black one. It was, after all, only a card offered to a select few among the wealthiest in the world.

Fortunately, the name on Iris' credit card was her real name, so she wasn't recognized. Coincidentally, "Rebirth" was playing inside the store.

Jin Liwei looked at the time, it was already late afternoon. They spent more time in the pet store than he intended, but he didn't have the heart to rush his baby girl when she was clearly enjoying choosing items for their kids. It seemed that his original plan of shopping for matching outfits together would have to wait another day. This wasn't how he imagined this shopping date would be, but what was done was done.

Next up on his date plan was to enjoy culture together at an art gallery. Xu Tian warned him that depending on the woman, an art gallery date might be seen as boring and unromantic. Jin Liwei waved his assistant's concerns away. He knew that his baby girl appreciated and had great taste in art. He was pretty sure that his plan would be successful this time, especially since she was a creative and artistic person herself, although more on the field of music than fine arts.

They exited the mall to their parked car outside.

While Jin Liwei drove, Iris was busy texting on her phone.

"Baby, would you like to go to an art gallery?"

"Hm? Yes. That would be lovely," she replied but her attention was still on her phone.

Who was she texting? He was curious but didn't ask.

After some time, she placed her phone back inside her purse. They chatted until something caught her eye.

"Oh, look! It's a KTV!" [1] She turned to him. "I've never been to one before. Can we go?"

This time, he hesitated even when faced with her beautiful eyes. If he agreed to her again, he would have to cancel their date at the art gallery. None of the activities he arranged for today's date was going according to his original plan.

Iris: "You don't want to? Oh, it's okay. Let's continue to the art gallery then."

Seeing her disappointed expression, he sighed; a helpless smile on his face. He turned the car and drove towards the KTV she pointed at.

"Eh? Where are we going?"

"To where you want to go."


"Yes, baby." He glanced at her and saw her beaming at him. His heart momentarily stopped before beating wildly inside his chest. He immediately felt glad giving in to her.

There weren't a lot of people so they were able to quickly settle in one of the karaoke boxes. Being a singer, Iris wasn't shy at all, immediately choosing songs and started singing. All the songs from her album "Rebirth" were already available so she chose them first and gave Jin Liwei a private concert.

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