Chapter 198 <> Deal Or No Deal

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This is not my story, the original author is Arriacross from Webnovel


"Good. It looks like you're not stupid," Iris said.

Hou Liang cursed again. "You're really Drakon? You're not sh*tting me, are you?"

She ignored him and continued to focus on what she was doing. It was better to show him than tell. In this case, her skills would be proof enough for him.

He still hadn't recovered from his shock, but watching another hacker in action was a great opportunity that shouldn't be wasted. He sat down on the other ergonomic chair beside her. The seat was so amazing that he was tempted to carry it and run away. He had a feeling that it was entirely customized because he hadn't seen anything like it in the market.

After some time, he became absorbed in observing her. He began asking questions on why she was doing this or that. She answered all of his questions clearly and even elaborated. He was learning so much from her in this short period of time. He now believed that Iris was really Drakon.

Finally, she stopped and turned to face him.

"Now explain your recent exploit to me," Iris said.

"Well...I'm a member of your fan club, the Black Stars, so..."

She waved a dismissive hand. "Tell me the truth."

"Fine." He sighed. "I was just hoping that Drakon...I mean, I was hoping that you'll notice me. And it worked."

"Yes, it did."

"So you're Drakon."


"You're Drakon, yet you're letting those Iris Long haters run freely online. I don't understand. You could destroy them easily with your skills but you're not doing anything. Like with those socialites. Sure, they're from prominent families in the country but you're someone who toppled companies and governments all around the world. If you were the one who dealt with them instead of me, I bet that they'd be completely destroyed and have no chance of recovering until maybe after nine generations when no one remembers them anymore."

Iris shrugged. "I'm really not interested. I have more important things to accomplish than waste my precious time on trash like them."

Hou Liang looked at her and saw that she was serious. Then he chuckled. "I see. So that's how it is."

"Now let's talk about why I invited you here today," she said.

His eyes immediately lit up. He sat straighter and looked more attentive.

"Remember what I told you when we first met at my launch party? I told you that whatever you need the most now, I can provide. Tell me what you need."

Hou Liang hesitated, but he couldn't hide the hope and excitement in his eyes. "It's not really a need...more like a want."

She shrugged, gesturing for him to go on.

"I'm a hacker but it's not really my main passion. The truth is...I want to create my own video games. I want to have the time, the resources, and the freedom to create video games."

She didn't look surprised. It was as if she already expected his answer. Perhaps she already knew about it, that was why she said those words during the launch party. However, Hou Liang still felt unsure.

"A childish dream, right? If I really want to create video games, I should just work at a gaming company but I chose not to because I don't want to create other people's games. I want to create my own. But I'm just a normal, working-class guy. I can't just stop working to create my own video games. If I don't work, I can't pay for my living expenses. It's already tight as it is, especially since I prioritize food, rent and computer equipment over anything else."

There was silence after he stopped talking. She didn't speak but studied him intently, making him want to squirm under her gaze. He felt nervous and started sweating despite the cool temperature within the computer room.

"Do you have a game that you're working on now during your free time?" she finally asked.

"Uh, yes. Actually, a few friends and I have been working on some video games for fun."

"Do you have some samples?"

"Not with me right now. They're at my apartment. I can go get them for you, if you want."

"Are they on your computer?"

"Uh, yes."

"Alright." Then she turned back to her multi-computer station and started hacking into Hou Liang's computer. In just a few minutes, she broke into all the security he personally set up. She was now rifling through his files. "Where are they?"

"Uh..." He had no choice but to direct her which files to open. Thank goodness he didn't store any porn in this computer.

Moments later, she was viewing and testing one of the video games. It didn't look visually appealing. The characters and background looked like drawings made by a toddler. However, Iris could see the concept. She examined the other samples.

Afterwards, she faced Hou Liang again. "Here's my offer. You and I will build a gaming company together. You'll create the games, I'll provide the finances and the business management. Deal?"

"W-what?" He couldn't believe what he was hearing.

Impatient, she asked again. "Deal or no deal? Tell me if you're interested or not."

"Deal! A hundred and ninety-nine percent deal!"

"Good. We got a deal, then." She stood up and offered a hand.

Hou Liang hurriedly stood up and grabbed her hand, shaking it enthusiastically. If she was really serious in this offer, he wouldn't hesitate even for a second.

Was his dream going to really come true?

Till next time :)

Again not my story, the story's original author is Arriacross from Webnovel

Credit is due where credit is due


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