Chapter 179 <> Where's My Grandchild?

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This is not my story, the original author is Arriacross from Webnovel


"Son, are you busy?"

"Not too busy. I can talk," Jin Liwei replied. "Is there something you need to speak with me about, Mother?"

His mother hesitated before saying, "Yes."

"What is it?"


He sighed. "If it's about the Fans, I won't change my mind. Mother, I know that you're close to them and that our family will become in-laws through Chonglin, but these alone don't give them automatic access to Jin Corporation. I'm the head of the company, so I know that they're not compatible with Jin Corporation. Mother, please stop-"

"Son, I didn't call to talk about the Fans. Even though your decision makes me sad, I trust in your judgment. I don't understand business, so I can't tell you how to run the company."

He felt relieved. "So why did you call, Mother?"

His mother paused again. "Son..."


"SON PLEASE TELL ME DO YOU HAVE A CHILD?!" His mother's words tumbled out of her mouth in quick succession.

Jin Liwei froze, confused. "Mother, what are you saying?"

"Please tell me the truth. Did you father a child?" She sounded upset.

"What child?" Jin Liwei couldn't believe what he was hearing.

He didn't know from where his mother got this ridiculous idea from. He and his baby girl hadn't gone all the way yet, so he knew that she wasn't pregnant. Well, they had Ice Cream and Popcorn but he didn't think his mother would be this distressed for kittens.

"Don't lie to me! Jin Liwei, I know that you're a successful businessman but you're still my son! Why are you hiding my grandchild?! Is it because he or she is illegitimate?! I don't care about that! Your grandmother and I will surely love any child of yours! This is the first time that I feel very disappointed of you! How can you hide your own child from us?! Where's my grandchild?! I want to meet my grandchild!"

He felt utterly confused. What grandchild? "Mother, I don't know what you're talking about. I don't have a child. I have two kittens and I consider them my kids. Are you talking about them?"

"Son, I'm serious! What kittens?! Don't joke around! I'm talking about a human child! Why are you lying to your own mother?! Let me see my grandchild!"

He closed his eyes and took a couple of deep breaths to calm himself down. He didn't understand what was going on. He was starting to feel annoyed. "Mother, I really am not lying. I didn't father any human child. Where did you hear this from?"

A few seconds of silence.



"You're not lying? You really don't have a child?"

"I'm not lying. I already told you I don't have a child, only kittens."

"Then why did you instruct your butler to buy all those baby clothes, toys, and other baby things? And they're for a one-year-old! I also heard that you're not staying at your house anymore, that you've been living with a girlfriend! Tell me, am I not supposed to think that you have a secret family after hearing all of these?"

Jin Liwei rubbed his temple and sighed. Ah, so it seemed that his mother had a spy in his household. He knew that his butler was loyal and trustworthy. His butler only answered to him and wouldn't betray Jin Liwei's trust even to his mother. He had various suspects in mind, including one of the older maids or the laundress or perhaps even his gardener. These people came from the old house before they transferred to his employment when he bought his Dragon Palace property.

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