Chapter 1- Walking Backwards

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Olivia's POV

"This one or this one?" I asked my best friend Rylee, holding up 2 dresses. In my left hand, I had a short, elegant black dress. In my right hand, I had a long, red dress.
"I like the black one." She said, pointing at the dress.
I looked at the black dress, held it up to my body and looked in the mirror. "Yeah I think I like this one too."

I'm glad she picked the black one. It is the best choice to make a good impression if I ever get an interview with a music company.

For as long as I could remember, I have wanted to make it big in the music industry. I have always wanted to be one of those authentic celebrities who is genuine and honest with her fans. I wanted people to listen to my songs on the radio and say, 'I've heard of her, she is an awesome person.' I mean, I am famous. But I'm not as famous as I could be if a music company called.

I put the red dress on the return counter and we made our way to the checkout.
We had been shopping all day and this is the last store we hadn't checked. Rylee had picked out a short silver dress at the last store but I couldn't find anything all morning, so thank god I found something here.

We paid for the dresses, grabbed our bags and left the store. It was only 12:00 so we decided to stay and go to a few other shops. But first we needed food.
We headed to the mall food court and decided on Taco Bell for lunch. We bought our tacos and sat down at a table.

"What stores do you want to go to after this?" Rylee asked, sipping on her iced tea.
I thought for a moment while I swallowed a bite of my taco. "I just used up the last of my lip gloss and I'm gonna need a new one. So Sephora?"
"Okay and then we can go to Ardenes?" Rylee asked, "I need a new pair of ripped jeans."
"Oh shoot yeah I need a new pair too." I said, "Maybe a new hoodie too, I just grew out of my favourite one." I crumpled up my taco garbage and put it on the tray.
"Can I have your old one?" Rylee asked, beaming.
"Of course."

We finished our food, put our trays at the cleaning station and headed for the stores.
First was Sephora, and before we went in we both said we would only get one thing each. But by the time we left, we both had at least 3 things.

On our way out of the store we were interrupted by some fans.
"Oh my gosh! Are you Olivia Elsher?!" One of the girls asked, excitedly. "I love your music!"
The girls looked like pretty young fans, probably around 12 years old.
"Yeah, I am. How are you guys?" I smiled at them.

 I love meeting young fans. They are always so sweet and kind. They always come up to me, beaming, wanting an autograph or a picture. It's the cutest thing.

"Can we get a picture?" One of the girls asked.
"Yeah of course." Rylee stepped to the side smiling as we took the pictures.
They thanked me and skipped away giggling and looking at the pictures.
"They were cute." Rylee said, trailing behind me.
"Yeah." I said, walking backwards to look at her "The little fans always make me smi-"
"Liv!" Rylee interrupted me, but it was too late.

I walked backwards right into someone. I tripped over the bag in their hand and fell to the ground, with a thud.
I moved my hair from my face and adjusted my beanie on my head.

No way I just did that. No way I just ran into someone because I was being stupid and walking backwards.

"Oh my god. No way I just did that" I said, embarrassed, holding my hand out for Rylee to help me up. She didn't, instead she stood there stunned, staring at the hooded person I bumped into.
I heaved myself up off the ground and apologized again. "I'm so sorry I wasn't paying attention." I looked up at the person.

It was a guy. He looked about my age, 19. He had messy, fluffy brown hair and beautiful blue eyes.
I couldn't help but admire his eyes. They looked so friendly and kind.
"It's okay." He said, smiling. "Are you alright?"
I picked up his bag that I had tripped on and handed it to him. "Yeah I'm okay."
I looked beside him and thought I was going crazy for a second. There were 2 more of him!
I think he saw my confused face because he looked at me and chuckled a bit. "Oh yeah, we're triplets." he pointed to his brothers.

Now that I was looking at them. They did have their differences. The most noticeable was that one of them had bleached his hair blonde.
When I looked at them they waved. I waved back and turned to look at Rylee. She was still in a frozen daze, which was not normal for her. She usually loved new people.
"Okay..." the mystery dude said, "Maybe try walking forward next time." He flashed a warm smile at me.

I felt butterflies in my stomach. I have only ever got this feeling one other time when I was in the third grade. I was doing arts and crafts at my desk when my crush at the time, asked to borrow my scissors. When handing them to him, our hands touched. I thought it was the best thing ever.

What is happening? Why am I getting this feeling now? I was basically in love with that kid. I just met this guy. I don't even know his name. Why do I have this feeling?

I blushed a bit and laughed. "I will. Take care."
With that, the three of them walked away.
I turned to Rylee as she snapped out of her trance. "Hey Ry, are you okay?" I asked, "Was I that embarrassing?"
She looked at me with a Are you dumb look.
"What?" I asked her, confused.
"Do you know who that was?!" She said, raising her voice a bit, as she hit me on the arm.
"No?" I said
She gawked at me.

"You just bumped into Matt Sturniolo."

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