Chapter 15- Just the two of us

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Olivia's POV

Matt stood there staring at me, expecting an answer. I stood there frozen.

What do I say? What could any person say? I had just called Matt cute... To his face! He heard it too, and he is just as shocked as I am. I wish I could have played it off, but sadly I have sat here way too long. I have to be honest, whether he likes it or not.

"Um" I hesitated. "I said you looked cute."
I expected his confused face to shift to disgust, but it didn't. Now, his face looked more...Relieved?
"You think I look cute?" He asked, with a slight smile.
I held my breath. "Yeah," I said "Yeah, I do." I gave him a smile.
He stepped a little closer. "I think you're pretty cute too." He smiled nervously.

Matt thinks I'm cute.

All the worrying, all the doubt, rushed away at that moment.
I had butterflies in my stomach and my heart was pounding out of my chest as Matt tucked a piece of my hair behind my ear.
"Matt?" I spoke quietly
"Yeah?" He stepped back to listen

This is it Olivia... Say it!

"I think I really like you." I said, I was barely able to get the words out, I was so nervous.
Matt's face shifted again. But he was relieved or nervous anymore, he looked happy and confident.

"I like you too." He smiled, "I have, ever since I met you."
My eyebrows went up in shock. "Really?" I asked
"Of course." He said "You're funny, pretty, and you're a great listener." He smiled, "Who wouldn't like you?"
My world was upside down. "That is the sweetest thing someone has ever said to me." I blushed
"I mean it." Matt said smiling.

I could see that he meant it in his eyes. His bright blue eyes could tell you everything about him. You could tell just how sweet and gentle he was just by a single glance into his eyes.

I gave him a smile. "We should probably get back out there, before your brothers get suspicious." I said
"Yeah, you're right." Matt said, moving out of the way of the door. "So, keep this between us?"
"Yeah," I said "Of course."


We finished up the video and said our goodbyes to the camera.
"Let us know if you guys want to see Olivia in future videos." Nick said
"Please do!" I said "I really enjoy being with these goofballs."
They all laughed.

"Goodnight everybody!" Chris said in a rock star voice.
With that, Nick turned off the camera.

He turned to me. "That was good!"
I let out a sigh of relief "Thank goodness!" I said, "I was worried."

"You did great." Matt smiled
"Thanks to you." I said "You guided me through that whole mess." I smiled, "I couldn't have done it without you."

"Okay, lovebirds." Chris said, "We still beat you."
"That is true." Nick chimed in.
Matt rolled his eyes and was about to argue but I placed a hand in front of him.
"We won in spirit." I said, I looked at Matt, "We won the viewers hearts."
Matt laughed, "Definitely."

"Awwwww." Chris said "I can't wait to see the edits."
Matt hit Chris, "Whatever dude."
"Oh, yes." Nick said, "I can see them already!"

I looked at my watch, 6:27PM.
"Oh jeez." I said, "I better get home before it gets dark. I don't like driving in the dark."

"Okay," Chris said sadly "Drive safe!"
"Thanks Chris." I smiled
He nodded and left for his room.
Nick walked over and gave me a hug. "Text me later?"
"Of course!" I smiled

"I'll walk you to the door." Matt said
"Okay." I said
Matt led me to the door.

"I had fun today." I said
"Me too." Matt said with a smile.
"Well I better get going." I said, turning to the door.

"Wait!" Matt said, turning me back around.
"You really like stopping people on their way out, don't you Matthew?" I laughed
He laughed, "Sorry." He fidgeted with his pants. "I just wanted to ask you something."

He stared into my eyes. "Would you like to hang out tomorrow?" He asked "Like just the two of us?"
I was shocked. "Like a date?" I asked
"Yeah," He said "If you want to."

I smiled. "I would love to."

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