Chapter 4- I definitely like her

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Matt's POV

I sat there, staring at the comment I had left. I didn't even think, my fingers just typed without my brain registering it.

Oh my god. What have I done?

The comments from fans were already pouring in. Everyone was freaking out and they were typing so fast, I couldn't even read them. It wouldn't be long before the news was all over the internet. The fans would post this everywhere.

I really hope Olivia doesn't mind. But what if she does? What if this gives her unwanted attention and she starts to hate me. I really don't want that. Stop it Matt. Stop worrying about it. She probably won't even care.

Just then I got a weird craving for a Root beer. I got up and walked out of my room and over to the fridge. I opened it up and reached for my drink.
"You better not touch my Pepsi." Chris walked in the kitchen and sat down at the island. "Those are mine."
"I only drank it one time!" I shut the door and looked at him "I didn't know it was the last one! Plus it was 2 months ago. Get over it."

Chris rolled his eyes. "Whatever." he said "Why aren't you going to bed anyway?"
I cracked open the can. "I could ask you the same thing." I pointed at him. "You are also awake."
"I was going to sleep, but then I heard you making a ruckus out here. I came to make sure you weren't a burglar."
I laughed and then I realized he was being serious. "What were you gonna do? Kung fu kick him in your pj pants?"
Chris giggled at my joke and shrugged. "I didn't think that far"
"Of course you didn't." I grabbed my Root Beer and headed for my room. "I'm going to bed."
"Night." Chris said, also heading to his room.

I got to my room and shut the door. I changed into my pj's and plopped down on my bed. I finished off my drink and set the can on my nightstand.
I checked my phone. I don't know what I was expecting.

Well, I do know, but it's not like it's gonna happen. She will probably look at the comment, and keep scrolling. Just stop thinking about her Matt.

I didn't. I continued to think about her all night long.


Nick woke me up around 10:00 AM.
"Come on sleepy!" He said, shaking me awake. "Chris and I want McDonalds breakfast sandwiches."
I rolled over and covered my face in the blanket. "Better get walking."
He smacked my shoulder. "Get up!"
When I didn't respond he yelled for Chris. "Chris! Come jump on Matt!"
I jumped up. "Hell no."
Nick smirked. "I knew that would get you up." he walked over to the door. "Chris is already in the car. Hurry up."
With that, he hurried away to join Chris in the car.
I groaned and got up, wiping my eyes tiredly. I got dressed, grabbed my keys and hurried out the door.

I hopped in the car and put my seat belt on. "I hope you guys know, I'm not paying." I looked at Chris and then Nick in the mirror.
"Fine." He said, sitting back.

The ride was short and we arrived in just a few minutes. We decided to just take our food into the car because we didn't want to have to worry about fans. It was silent for a few minutes before

Nick started a conversation.
"We gotta practice for the tour." Nick said, "It's in a month and we are nowhere near ready." He took a big bite of his sandwich.
"Okay well, I don't care." Chris crumpled up the bag rapper. "I'm down anytime."
Nick sighed and started to talk again.

I took a bite of my hash brown and pulled out my phone. I hadn't checked my notifications all morning. I scrolled through them until I was stopped dead in my tracks.
Olivia.Elsher1 liked your comment and replied to your comment.

No way.

I clicked on it and read it.
Good advice. I'll remember that next time. Hahah :)

She actually replied.

I was smiling like crazy until Nick snapped his fingers in front of my face. "Helloooooo? Matthew?"
I snapped out of it. "Huh? Yeah, what?"
"You really need to listen." Nick said, sitting back
"He's too busy smiling like an idiot on his phone." Chris said "What are you so happy about?"

Then without warning he grabbed my phone. I had no time to react.
"Chris, I swear to God." I said, struggling to get the phone back.
He switched the phone to his free hand and showed Nick. I tried to grab the phone but he passed it to Nick.
He laughed. "Is this the girl who ran into you at the mall?"

I yanked the phone from him. "It's none of your business." I turned my phone off and sighed.
"Matt...Commenting on her post? Chris looked at me "You're crazy"
"I know! Oh god, why did I do it?" I threw the rest of my sandwich back in my bag.
"So....?" Nick said, pausing
"So what?" I asked, looking at him through the mirror.
"Do you like her?" Chris asked, finishing Nicks sentence
"I don't know. Okay? Can we please stop talking about this?" I turned the car on and left the parking lot. Nick and Chris didn't say anything.
The truth is I definitely do know.

I like Olivia Elsher. I like her a lot.

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