Chapter 5- Suprise!

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Olivia's POV

It's been about a month since I started watching the Triplets. I can now say I am definitely obsessed. Since I replied back to Matt's comment, I haven't really heard back. I mean he liked my comment, but that's it.

I'm sure he is just busy with his upcoming tour. Or maybe he was just being friendly and doesn't like me the way I like him. I hope that isn't it.

I arrived at Rylee's house at 11:09. It was Rylee's birthday and I was supposed to be there at 11.
"Oh crap, I'm late." I said aloud.
I adjusted the bow on her card and rang the doorbell. I'm praying that I'm not too late and that she isn't in there already.

Mrs West opened the door with a smile.
"Sorry I'm late! She isn't here yet, is she?" I followed her into the house, shutting the door behind me.
"No, you made it just in time." She took the card from me and put it on the table. "She just texted me and said she is on her way. Which is good because we just finished decorating."

I looked around. The whole kitchen and living room was covered in pink balloons and streamers. I stood there in awe, admiring the decor.

"Did we do too much?" Mr west asked, chuckling
"Oh my god, no! I love it!" I smiled, "I'm sure Rylee will too."
"Oh good," Mrs West said.

Just then Rylee's car pulled into the driveway. I ran over to the light switch and tied a little string to it so I could flip the light on when she walked in. It was something my mom had done at my last party. Then, I followed Mr and Mrs West behind the couch. We crouched down and Mrs West handed me a party popper.

We heard the door handle jiggle as Rylee put her key in the lock. After a second the door cracked open and she stepped inside. She had a confused look on her face. She couldn't see any decorations because it was too dark.
"Hello?" She said, confused.
 yanked the string upwards and the light flicked on. In synchronization all three of us jumped up and yelled "SURPRISE" I popped the party popper, covering everyone in confetti.
Rylee's confused look turned into joy as she ran over and hugged me.
"Happy birthday." I said, giving her a big squeeze.
"Thanks!" She said, breaking the hug to look around "This is awesome!"

She ran over to her parents and they all shared a big hug.
"It was all your parents' idea." I said laughing
Her parents smiled at me.
"Well should we start the fun?" Mr West asked, he pointed to the table filled with cool party games.
"Oh my gosh YES" Rylee said, squealing happily.

We started the day off by playing Unwrap the parcel. Which is basically where you put oven mitts on and unwrap a big thing of plastic wrap to get little candies or gifts hidden in the layers. Rylee and I ended up getting a boat load of candy from it and matching goofy glasses. Next we played Charades. It was really funny because her parents were so good at it. They ended up beating Rylee and I, 18 to 6.

I think it's safe to say we are really bad at Charades.

For a few more hours we ended up playing Twister, an egg and spoon race outside (which was hilarious because Mr West kept dropping the egg), We tried limbo but quickly had to end it because her parents couldn't get past round two, and a bunch of other fun games. We had a pretty small selection of games because it was only us four.

Rylee and I's families had recently moved to Boston for a change, so we weren't close to anyone we knew. But it didn't matter to us because we were together.

After the games, it was time to eat. Her parents had made an assortment of her favorite foods. There was Pizza, chips and guacamole, and a bunch of other foods.

After eating we moved on to the cake. I had baked her a beautiful pink and white red velvet cake. Her favorite. We put the candles in and lit them. We all sang Happy Birthday and she blew out the candles.

She didn't tell me her wish but I knew what she wished for. She has been wishing for the same thing for 2 years. It's only now I knew what she meant. She wished to meet Chris Sturniolo. Little did she know, it might just happen.

We ate the cake and then it was time for presents.
She picked her parents first and opened it. It was a pretty orange hoodie, a pair of ripped jeans, a belt and an orange headband. The perfect outfit for a special event...

"Now open mine!!!" I said, excitedly
She grabbed my card and opened it up. Her jaw dropped.
She spoke still looking at what was in the card. "Is this real? Or are you pranking me?"
She pulled out the Triplets tour tickets and showed them around. She quickly realized that her parents knew about it already and that's what the outfit was for.
"I'm not kidding." I beamed

"We are going to the Verses Tour."

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