Chapter 19- Lost Control

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Olivia's POV

I sat back and let out a sigh of relief as the comments rolled in on both posts.
We had told the world that we were dating.

I'm just hoping they don't flood my DM's with death threats and snarky comments, because I have seen that happen to a few celebrities. But then again, I don't care. I am happy with Matt, no little fan is gonna take that happiness away. But there is one thing. One little thing that could really affect what we just started. But I couldn't tell Matt. Not yet, we just announced that we are dating. It's too soon to drop something on him now. I'll tell him when the time is right.

"I'm glad we did that." I said, genuinely, "Now, we don't have to hide each other."
"Same," Matt said, laying back, putting an arm around me. "Should we look at the comments?"
"No," I said, "They don't matter anyways. All that matters is us."
He smiled, making my heart melt, "Yeah, we have each other. Who cares what others think?"
I smiled back.

Matt really was the sweetest. He was willing to wait if I wasn't ready to tell the fans. Even now, when we did already tell them, he is still showing how much he cares for me. He is letting me know that he doesn't care about the fans' input. He truly cares about me, as do I for him. Still, I thought about the phone call. I thought about how I would need to make a decision. But how could I when the decision could possibly end my newly made relationship?

"So," Matt said, jumping up "What should we do now?"
I stood up, "We could try and cook."
"Remember what happened last time we tried baking?" He asked, laughing

I giggled, remembering "This is different. We can make Alfredo and Meatballs. I hear they call you 'Meatball Matt'."

Matt grabbed my hips, in a kind of hug, looking down at me. He was about 2 inches taller than me.

"They do. I make the best meatballs around." He said
I looked into his eyes, "Let's do this then."


Nick and Chris ended up coming back with the slushies, halfway through making the pasta. Which was good because we could use all the help we could get. In the end, we had created a 'delicious masterpiece', as Chris called it.

He was right, it was delicious and I gotta say it, Matt does uphold his title as 'Meatball Matt'. When I told him that he laughed.

I love seeing him laugh. His cute little dimples get me every time. I wish I could just sit here and make him laugh. I wish I could just watch his smile appear and listen to his ridiculous laugh for eternity.

I watched as Nick got up to put his plate in the sink. I was fighting every urge to pull him aside and tell him about the phone call. How would I even start? What would Nick say? This decision could determine my future. How do I even begin to explain that to a person? I can't. Not yet.

"Is that good?" Chris said, he put a mouthful of noodles in his mouth.
"No Chris don't-" Nick said.
But it was too late. Chris had already put the slushie straw in his mouth and was sucking up the slurpy into his mouth.

"Oh, Chris..." I said, bringing my hand to my forehead
"Chris," Matt said, "Nick meant drinking slushies and eating Alfredo separately, not together."

Chris' face shifted from curiosity to disgust. He jumped up from his chair and ran to the trash can, leaving Nick, Matt and I laughing our heads off. After Chris was done spitting out the abomination of a food combo he created, I decided to say my goodbyes and head home.

It was now dark, which scared me a bit. Matt noticed.

"You sure you don't just want to stay the night?" He asked, touching my shoulder to calm my nerves.
"No," I sighed, "It's okay, I'll be fine. I'll text when I'm home."
"Sounds good." He smiled, letting me go out the door.

I waved at Matt through the car window and pulled out of their driveway.
The moment I got on the road I was filled with regret.

The only reason that I didn't stay the night was because I felt guilty about lying and keeping the phone call away from Matt. I mean, he has a right to know seeing as it partly concerns him. This could be a big thing for me. Am I willing to pass this up? Even for Matt?

I was heated, not paying attention to the road. But at the moment, I didn't care. My thoughts were taking over me.

My life is all riding on this decision. How am I supposed to do this alone? I should have told Matt. I feel like a terrible person and girlfriend for lying to Matt.

I was about a street away from my house and I was still thinking about the call and Matt. But I was interrupted.

"Oh crap!" I screamed.

There was a cat that ran out into the road. I swerved to the side and slammed on the breaks, nearly hitting a fire hydrant and the cat. I put the car in park.

I sat there, stunned at what had just happened. That street was missing light polls due to construction, and I knew that. That's why I always left their place before dark. But I was so overwhelmed with my thoughts I must have forgotten.

I was breathing heavily, regretting my decision of not staying the night at the Sturniolo's.

I can't believe that just happened. I can't believe I just let my thoughts take over me like that. I could have hit that cat or worse, I could have gotten myself hurt.

At that moment I knew what I had to do. I had to tell someone about the phone call.

I had to tell Nick.

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