Chapter 18- Out To The World

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Matt's POV

I hung up the phone and put my phone on my nightstand.
I layed back on my bed, thinking.

Olivia had agreed to be my girlfriend. She actually agreed, and we were going to announce it tomorrow. I thought about it a bit more. Maybe I should tell Nick and Chris before everyone else. It would be nice to have their input on this whole thing.

I decided that I would tell them. In fact, I was going to tell them right now.
I jumped out of bed and walked to the kitchen. Low and behold, there were Nick and Chris.

You got this Matt. I silently assured myself, clutching my necklace from Olivia.

I walked over to them. "Guys?" I said, getting their attention "Can you guys listen up for a sec?"
They turned to me.
Chris nodded, taking a big gulp of Pepsi as n=Nick motioned for me to go. "Sure, get on with it."
I sat down at the island beside Chris with Nick standing on the other side.
I started to get a bit nervous.

What if they disapprove? No they won't. Matt, CHILL OUT AND SAY IT.

I shook away my nervousness and went for it.
"I asked Olivia to be my girlfriend!" I blurted "And she said yes."
I looked down to avoid the boy's faces.
I had no idea how they reacted until Chris threw his arms around me. "Oh I'm so happy for you

Matt!" He said, squeezing the crap out of me.
"Really?" I said, hugging him back
He pulled out of the hug and looked at me, squinting his eyes like he does when he is happy. "Yeah, Olivia is awesome! You guys are gonna be a great couple!"
I sighed in relief. "Thanks Chris."

I turned to Nick "How about you?"
Nick looked at me "My bestie? Dating my brother?"
I held my breath, scared for what Nick was gonna say.
Nick smiled and shrugged. "I saw it coming. I actually knew she liked you."

My mouth dropped. "You what?"
"Yeah," He said casually, "I figured it out, because I actually pay attention. You guys just frolic around like little prancing monkeys."

Chris let out a ughhh and we both turned to face him, startled by the noise. "For the last time! Monkeys don't prance, they climb! Horse's prance!"
"Whatever." Nick said, turning back to face me, "I'm really happy for you dude."
I walked over to him and gave him a hug. "Thanks Nick."


Olivia arrived the next day, at the door with a big smile on her face. "Hey Matt!" She said, pulling me into a hug.

"Hey!" I said, hugging her tightly "How was the drive?"
We let go of each other. "It was good." she said, smiling warmly.

"Olivia!" Chris yelled, running over to hug her.
"Hey, Chrissy!" She said, hugging him back. "I'm assuming Matt already told you?"
He looked up at her, nodded and let go. "Yeah, he did."

Nick must have heard the commotion and came out of his room. When he saw Olivia his face lit up into a giant smile. "Oh my God, Olivia YOU'RE HERE!"
Olivia and Nick shared a big hug, jumping up and down like 2 little girls who just saw their hallway crush.
After a moment, they pulled out of the hug.
"How are you?" Olivia asked, her face curled into a big smile.
"I'm good!" Nick said, "And I heard about you and Matt, congrats queen!"

"Okay guys," I said, "Can you guys give us some space to do this?"

"Okay," Chris said, he turned to Nick "You wanna walk to 7-ELEVEN?"
"Sure." Nick said, grabbing his sweater "You want me to bring you guys one back?" He asked
"Yes please." Olivia and I said in unison.
Nick nodded and walked out the door after Chris. Olivia and I plopped onto the couch.

I turned to Olivia, "You sure you're ready for this? Because if you're not, we don't have to-"
Olivia grabbed my hand and clutched it in her soft palms, causing me to stop my sentence. She stared into my eyes with a calm and sincere expression.

"I want to." She said, squeezing my hands "I really like you, and I would like for us to be able to be ourselves." I blushed, as she moved a piece of my hair out of my eyes, "Anytime we want."
I smiled, "Okay,"

Olivia let go of my hand and grabbed her phone out of her pocket. "So, how are we going to do this?"

I thought about it. "Well, we should probably keep it simple. Also we should probably each do one, with our own accounts."

"I agree. Maybe for mine I can post a picture of the sunset I took with a cute caption." She pointed the phone to me. "See?" She said, "You can see we are together because our feet are intertwined."

I like that idea, its was cute and simple, and it definitely fits Olivia's vibe.

"I like it," I said "What should I do?"
Olivia twirled her hair around her finger as she thought. Then, she perked up as she thought of something.

"I got it!" She said, She grabbed my phone and opened the camera. She then took my hand in hers and intertwined our fingers. There was a click as she took the picture.

"There," She said, "Post that." She handed me the phone and looked up at me sweetly.
"I love that." I said, typing the caption, " <3 @Olivia.Elsher1"

Olivia put the caption for hers as, "Best first date of my life :) @Matthew.Sturniolo"

"Okay," I said "Same time?"

Olivia nodded and as soon as we were about to press the post button, her phone rang.
She sighed, "You mind if I take this?"
I shook my head, "Go ahead."

I thought she would just answer the phone beside me, seeing as it was an UNnamed caller, but she didn't. Instead, she smiled, stood up and walked out of the room to take the call. A few minutes passed before Olivia came back. She sat back down next to me.

"Sorry about that." She said,
"Who was it?" I asked, hoping I didn't sound nosy.
She looked down at the phone hesitantly, "No one." She said, "Wrong number." She gave me a slight smile.

Something about her answer felt a bit odd. She looked a little... Sad? Well, whatever it was, she didn't want to talk about it. Maybe I shouldn't bother her with more questions.

"Are you ready?" I asked, ready to tell the world about us.
"So, ready." She said, "Let's do this."
We counted down from three together and then...

We sent it out to the world.

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