Chapter 2- Familiar Face

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Matt's POV

As Nick, Chris and I walked further and further away from the mystery girl, I couldn't stop thinking about her.
Something about the way she moved and talked was, I have to admit, really cute. I thought it was funny how embarrassed she was when she ran into me.

I should have asked for her name. But would she have given it to me? I mean, it seemed like she didn't even recognize me. Or maybe she did, and that's why she was so embarrassed.

My thoughts were interrupted by Nick and Chris arguing about something.
We exited the mall and headed towards the car. I hopped into the driver's seat and turned the key. Nick and Chris got into their usual seats, as their argument finally ended.
I sat there for a minute thinking about the mystery girl again, before Nick tapped my shoulder.
"Hey snoozy!" I snapped back to reality and looked up in the mirror at Nick. "Come on let's get a move on."
"Yeah come on Matt," Chris chimed in "We don't have all day."

These kids have no patience.

I put the van in reverse and backed out of the parking space. "I know." I said, pulling out of the parking lot and onto the road. "I just zoned out."
Chris giggled. "He's probably thinking about his new girlfriend."
I took one of my hands off the wheel and punched him in the arm. "Shut up dude."
Nick gasped "Ooo" I saw him smirk at me through the mirror. "Drama! I love it"


The rest of the drive home from the mall was pretty boring, until Chris started blasting music. Nick was pretty pissed because he wanted to listen to Billie Ellish and Chris said no. I mostly stayed silent, just thinking the whole way home.
I pulled the van into the driveway and opened the trunk so Nick and Chris could get the bags. Once they had the bags I shut off the car and hopped out. Nick handed me my bag and we all went inside the house.
I put my bags in my room and then joined my brothers in the kitchen.
It was Tuesday and Nick said that we had to go film a car video tonight, because he needs enough time to edit.
"Wait, what's the topic again?" Chris asked, opening the fridge.
"Chris, are you serious?" Nick asked, clearly annoyed.

Chris never knows the topic. He always gets Nick so mad. Why can't he just pay attention?

Chris grabbed Pepsi out of the fridge and shut the door looking at nick. "Yes I'm serious jackass, I don't remember!"
"You were supposed to screenshot replies from our Instagram story. Remember that?" I looked at him, he met my eyes with a confused look on his face.
Nick sighed. "So I guess he didn't remember that either."


"It's not my fault!" Chris protested, "I swear I have Alzheimer's."
"Chris, you do not have Alzheimer's." I sighed
"I might..."
"You DON'T. Now let's go." Nick said, grabbing the camera and heading out the door.
Chris huffed, grabbed his sweater and headed out after Nick.
Something tells me this car video is gonna be a loud one.


We got home from filming around 2:30 AM. I was right, the whole video was basically just Nick and Chris fighting, I was lucky to get one word in.

I threw my sweater on my chair and laid down on my bed. I opened Instagram and started checking new posts from friends and my notifications. Most of them were comments from my new post. I scrolled through the comments for a little before my eyes met a familiar face.
It was one of the girls from the mall. But not the one who bumped into me. She had commented sick shoes. I clicked on her profile and went to her most recent photo. It was a picture of her and the mystery girl who bumped into me! I looked at the description.
At the mall with @Olivia.Elsher1
I clicked on the @ and saw her face. Seeing her again now, made my stomach flip.

God she really is beautiful and with a beautiful name.

"Olivia," I said aloud.
I looked beside her profile picture.

Jeez! 2 million followers? That's almost as much as me. How have I never seen her before?

Her profile says Social media influencer and it has a link to her youtube channel. I clicked it. By the looks of it, she vlogs about her singing career.
I went back to instagram. Her most recent photo was also a picture that they took at the Mall. The caption read: Great day at the mall with @Rylee.slays2, although I did accidentally run into someone.

I smiled. She was talking about me! I looked at the comments. A lot of them were asking who it was that she ran into and if she was okay. Her fans seemed pretty supportive. She also left her own comment saying: Maybe I should be more careful and watch where I'm going Loll.
I laughed and without even thinking,

I replied to her comment.

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