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Karl was getting ready to go teach George how to skateboard. He was practically jumping in the air from how excited he was. He called George letting him know that he was ready and waiting for him.

Not long after he sees a Karl pull into his driveway and he speeds outside. He jumps into Georges arms as soon as he gets out of the car. "I missed you." Karl said dragging out the 'u'.

"Lets get started." George says with a big smile on his face, he was as excited as Karl he just didn't show it.

Karl went to go grab his skateboard as soon as George told him they should get started, he went inside and took his beautiful skateboard with a purple swoosh on the bottom. Kinda chipped from the usage.

As he got back to George they went to a safe spot to teach George. "Okay so put one foot there and with the other one u push urself forward." Karl said pointing where Georges foot should be placed. Karl signaled for George to go forward and he did.

Karl running next to him with his hand behind Georges back so he couldn't fall and the other hand in Georges reach so he could take it if he was feeling unstable.

So far George was doing good, he wasn't going that smoothly but it could've went alot worse.
Georgr felt the wind slowly brush against his leg as he brung his foot down to the ground to push himself.

His turns were so bad that Karl had to hold in his laughter since he needed to stay supportive.

The day went past so fast for Karl which sucks, being with his best friend is his favourite thing to do and as soon as George leaves he feels empty inside.

He has got no one to talk to, no one to laugh with and do things with. Calling him wasn't the same thing. Actually seeing his presence was the most important to Karl.

Karl was bored to life and decided to go out with his skateboard, he grabbed his board and let his mom know he would be back in 1-3 hours.

He wasn't sure how long he would stay away for.

He was kinda just driving around his neighbourhood, forgetting all his thoughts and just being calm and enjoying it.

He suddenly arrived at a house which seemed to be one of those typical high school parties with lame alcohol. Karl scoffed before remembering this might've been the one George was talking about going to.

He decided he was just going to take a little peak to see if he could find George and if he didn't find George he would immediately leave, not trying to get himself into anything.

As he approaches the house he pushes the door open letting the door make a squeaking noise. There were different colors of light flashing his eyes at the immediate second he walked it. Everyone was drunk or high but Karl really didn't care about them.

He starts to push people aside trying to look for his friend, he seems to have found George and he makes his way over to him hugging him. Then he gets pushed away. "What the fuck?" he heard from the makes mouth.

Karl looked up to see if wasn't George but just some random guy, who was staring at him waiting till he explained. Karl turned bright red and went "Sorry thought you were my friend, you look alike." The guy gave a small nod before continuing what he was doing before.

Karl was sweating and unable to breath so he seemed to have found a backyard where he could get some fresh air before going to find his best friend. Who knows maybe George was out there too.

Karl was pushing the heavy back door open expecting to see alot of people but he didn't. He saw 3 guys. He was checking if any of them were George but they weren't until he noticed someone else. Sapnap.

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