was it my fault?

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It was officially break and Sapnap was once again drinking. This time not to forget about Karl jut to forget how he lost his one chance that he had with the boy. He's so lost.

Karl is hanging out with George and they're on the couch just talking while having a youtube video on on the background. "I really missed hanging out with just you." Karl exclaims. He sees Georges smile getting bigger "Me too!" "Hmm what should we do?" George questions. "Wanna play minecraft?" Karl was hoping he would get yes as an answer. And he did.

They were playing for about an hour at this point, snacks and drinks being everywhere around them, they would clean it up obviously.

As George was playing they were just chatting about whatever came to their mind and they suddenly hear knocking outside which makes George turn towards Karl. "Is ur mom back early?" giving a confused look. "No that can't be plus she never knocks." Karl stood up and George following in his steps.

He opens the door to see Sapnap. Drenched in rain, crying with blood on his hands and lip and probably drunk. Karl can't help but be shocked. "Sapnap?" Karl mumbled out softly his voice full of worry. He hasn't stopped caring about him like Sapnap thought.

"Come inside, you'll get sick." Karl ran out to drag him inside, as soon as Karl grabs his arm, he flinches and pulls away. Sapnaps face frowns as he scrunches his nose together. It doesn't take Karl long to realise why he did that. Only a bigger wave of worry flowing over him.

He had never seen Sapnap cry, he was always so tough. "Are you okay? What happend?" Karl carefully questions not forcing him to answer. He quietly whispers to George to go get the first aid kit out of the kitchen. Sapnap couldn't do anything else than sob. Karl was understanding and giving him his time.

As George came back Karl asks Sapnap if hes allowed to clean of the blood, earning a small nod from Sapnap. He carefully reaches out to grab Sapnaps hands who were covered in blood. "What happend?" George simply asks. "Fight." Sapnap got out. Tears were brought to Karls eyes as he cleaned off Sapnap.

Karl slowly tugged on Sapnap's shirt to let him know he noticed and wanted to take a look, it took Sapnap a moment before he mumbled a quick 'okay'. Karl carefully rolled up his sleeves his eyes being filled with tears. It was his fault.

He decided to be brave and just clean the off at which Sapnaps hand clenched closed a few times. Karl would whisper small things like 'it's okay', 'i'm here' to try and make the boy calm down. His breathing eventually had slowed down way more. Which was good.

In the meantime George was cleaning up the mess he and Karl had made earlier, Karl wished that he knew how much Karl appreciates him.

He turns back to Sapnap who was staring at him in a adoring way. Eventually Sapnap was calmed down and bandaged up. Karl had also given him a glass of water. Which he drank slowly. "George can you stay the night? I need some help." Karl whispers in Georges ear. George nods.

"Do you wanna talk about it?" George suggests to Sapnap. Sapnap turns his head just staring at them both for a moment before looking to the ground. "I'm sorry Karl." he was practically crying again. "And im sorry George for hurting Karl, you're a good friend. And I don't know why ur even being nice to me." This ment alot to George although he didn't show it.

"I appreciate your apology Sapnap." George does let the boy know. "Can I hug you?" Karl asks for permission not wanting to cross any boundaries. Sapnap replies with a small "Please?" while looking at Karl. Karl doesn't hesitate to embrace the boy and George watches them with a smile. Sapnap had done bad things but if he can make Karl happy, he wont complain.

As they finally release from their hug they all lookvat eachother. "Do you want to stay the night?" Karl asks Sapnap and he nods. "Okay so you'll get my room and me and George will sleep on the couch, be aware that my mom will come home to don't be scared if she suddenly comes inside or anything." Karl giggles a bit at his lwn warning.

"I want to sleep." Sapnap lets the two boys know as they stand up to go help him. He also stands up and follows them into Karls room, which is beautifully decorated. Full of color unlike his own room. He sees Karl walking towards his wardrobe and he pulls a pair of sweatpants out along with a hoodie.

"They're a bit big for me so they should fit you." Karl says as he hands Sapnap his clothes. Sapnap just starts taking off his clothes without warning Karl which leaves Karl speechless. Karl just admires how pretty the other is. As hes done changing he carefully places himself on the bed as Karl hops downstairs.

"I will go give Sap some water, if my mom comes in the meantime tell her your staying over and another friend is too. She'll be fine with it." George responds that he will do as asked.

Karl grabs a glass of water and heads back upstairs, where he saw Sapnap on his bed. "I got you some water for if you get thirsty, now if u nerd anything me and George are right downstairs don't be afraid to come and the bathroom is right there." he says pointing to his right where was a door.

He places the water on the bedside table and tucks Sapnap in, as hes ready to leave he hears Sapnap calling his name. "Karl?" "Yes?" Karl responds with a loving smile.

"Can you stay?"

Karl was taken aback from the question and hesitated a bit but decided to stay. He crawls onto the bed right next to Sapnap. Immediately being pulled into a warm hug from the other. "Thank you." He hears Sapnap mumble.

At this point Karl was laying onto Sapnaps chesr with his hand on Sapnap's stomach. He glances up to see the other still awake. "Was it my fault?" Sapnaps heart breaks hearing this question, it wasn't Karls fault.

"No." Sapnap manages to get out. "Why did u do it then?" Karl was trying to understand the other. "Go to sleep baby." Sapnap says as he kisses Karls head before closing his eyes.

Karl quickly falls asleep in this embrace and Sapnap dozes off not to much longer after Sapnap.

George soon enough opens the door already talking. "Karl I told ur mom but why are u taking so l-" he cuts himself off after seeing the two tangled onto each other. He couldn't help but smile. Going back downstairs in silence.

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