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Sapnap hadn't been to school for an entire week due to the thing with Karl. His mom knew of nothing she kept trying to talk to him but he kept sending her away, refusing to come out of his room. His mom kept offering him food but he kept declining. He felt so devastated.

How could he make such a huge mistake. His friends were informed that he was 'sick', he didn't want them knowing the actual reason since it would ruin things.

He had to go to school, he couldn't miss any more since he was just new and he needed to make sure he passed. This monday morning was the hell for him.

He finally looked in the mirror after a week and he looked so unlike himself, he didn't see the confident, attractive Sapnap he was used to instead he saw a rotting, sleepless guy.

He looked like he hasn't slept in actual days, which he hasn't but he looked worse than je would've thought.

He wasn't sure what to do about Karl, he wasn't sure what to tell his friends. He wasn't sure about anything at all.

He only grabbed a hoodie and sweatpants for his outfit today, he felt gross. He tried to fix his hair to make him feel beter but nothing was able to get him to smile.

He only noticed the grease in his hair and the dark circles under his eyes, he considered not going but he didn't have much of a choice.

He went downstairs being met with his mom. "Hi, how are you?" she immediately went to hug him being worried by his appearance. "Call me if you need anything okay?" she said gently patting his back before backing out of the hug.

She looked happy and worried at the exact same time and he had no idea how that was possible.

It was time for Sapnap to leave for school as much as he hated to, he went outside and dug through his pocket to find a cigarette. As he found one it was immediately lit. He walked to school today instead of going with his skateboard which was unlike him.

As he arrives he can see his friends all over, knowing they wouldn't be expecting him. They had blown up his phone but he really couldn't care.

"YO SAPNAP? YOU ALRIGHT MAN YOU LOOK ROUGH." one of his friends yell out to him as he bro hugs Sapnap. He was taken aback by the hug but went with it.

Walking through the halls he felt disgusted and stared at, everyone was probably expecting to see the 'hot new football guy' but they got a 'football guy who had crawl out of a cave'. His friends noticed his uncomfortableness and took it into their hands.

Telling everyone to back the fuck off and that people can have bad days, he was grateful for his friends. This put a slight smile on his face.

He once again noticed one particular stare, Karls. He looked full for joy at first until he took a good look at me. Getting a worried wave flushed onto his face. Sapnap pretended not to see him and continued walking to class.

Class went after class and after class. It was finally lunchbreak and Sapnap headed to the bathroom to get some rest from everyone. Karl had seen Sapnap go to the bathroom and decided to follow him. 

Sapnap let out a big sign looking into the mirror before leaning onto the counter. He heard the door crack open and peeks who it would be and ofcourse it's Karl. I mean who else would it have been.

Karl approaches him and his looks straighten. "What do you want?" Sapnap asks bluntly. Karl grabs Sapnaps face and looks deeply into his eyes. "What happend to you, are you okay?" Karl had serious worry in him and Sapnap knew.

But he couldn't do this to himself or anyone else. He backs off pushing Karls hands off of his face. "Why are u touching me, wtf?" "What do you mean? Don't you like me?" Karl asks genuinely getting upset.

"What?" Sapnap yells through laughter. "U genuinely think I would like you? Oh ur so oblivious. Why would I like you?" tears had formed into Karls eyes.

"But you- you. We had a nice time." Karl stutters out. "What the fuck are you talking about? Are you imagining things in ur little pathetic head? That's disgusting man." Sapnap spat out.

It hurt him to be this way but he had no other options, this was his only possibility. Karl ran out of the bathroom crying as Sapnap let out a little chuckle. He took a few deep breaths in before leaving the bathroom aswel.

He walks past Georges table who was holding crying Karl basically deathstaring Sapnap. Sapnap laughed a bit, did George think that would scare him?


George was talking to Dream as Karl ran to him bursting out in tears.

"What happend Karl? Are you okayy?" immediately opening his arms open for the boy who didn't hesitate to go into them. "Sapnap he- pretended he not knew anything and he was rude." Karl managed to sniff out.

George knew this wouldn't have happend if Karl had listened to him but this was not the time at all to tell him that.

George and Dream were both doing their best to comfort Karl as they whispered little things to him every now and them drawing circles on his back.

George was pissed for Sapnap doing this to his best friend and he wished Sapnap would go through the suffering Karl has been going through. Karl eventually stopped sobbing uncontrollably and calmed down.

"He called me disgusting." Karl snicked. "Awh no Karl, you are everything but disgusting you're so precious. Don't let him get into your head." Dream reassures Karl and he saw new tears being formed into the boys eyes.

Sapnap was a horrible person for doing this according to George but did George know why Sapnap acted like this. Not really but how could he do that to Karl.

He has the sweetest soul ever.

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