rage or temper?

31 1 0

It was school again and Karl had been trying to talk to Sapnap all day but all he did was be with his friends and ignore Karl. 'He hates me.' Karl thought. He tried his best not to cry and completely break down.

It was now lunch and Karl was sitting by himself, Sapnap was with his friends. Suddenly a small boy with a beanie started weirdly approaching Karl.

He got scared since he wasn't sure if the boy would hurt him or not. He wished not.

"Hi man! I dont know who u are but why are u alone?" he seemed 'sweet'?  "Oh, yea my friend isn't here and I like being alone."

He said trying not to show the panick.

"Can I sit with you please?" he asked rather politely. Karl nodded and continued to eat his lunch. "So how are u?" Karl stars the conversation.

"I'm good. How about you?" he asks turning towards Karl. "Yea i'm okay." he lied, he wasn't.

"Sooo whats your name?" staring deeply into karls eyes. "I'm Karl! And you are?" he exclaims.

"I am Quackity!" he matches Karls energy.

"Do you have anything to do later?" he asks with a sweet smile. "When? Like after school? I should be free. Why?" He had asked way to many questions to his liking.

"Do you wanna go to this party? I needed some friends to go." 'Great. He only approached me to ask if I wanted to go to some stupid party.' Karls thoughts were killing him

He didn't want to but also didn't wanna lose a chance in making a new friend. He hesitantly blurted out a "Okay." before once again returning to his food.

They had exchanged numbers and Quackity said he would come get Karl at 7:30. So Karl had to hurry getting ready.

He's thinking if he should just fake being sick so he doesn't have to go, he couldn't stop thinking about Sapnap. He hasn't even sent Karl 1 text today.

Karl came to the sudden realisation that maybe if he went to the party he could forget about him. Like he tried to forget about Karl.

And if he didn't like it he could always just leave.

It came around time that Quackity had arrived, Karl quickly gave his mom a kiss on the cheek before saying his 'byeee'.

He run outside and Quackity was there waiting for him, quickly making his way into the car. He felt tired but wished when he was there he would be awakened.

A few hours have passed and by this time Karl was black out drunk, it did infact work. He wasn't thinking about Sapnap anymore. Although he didn't realise.

Quackity was drunk too but not as drunk, he still needed to take care of Karl if something happend. He can't just ditch the boy.

Karl had sat himself on the couch and Quackity told him he would just go to the toilet and to stay there. He did. His phone kept getting notifications, though he didn't bother to read them. He just turned his phone off.

Karl was wondering where Quackity went, going to the bathroom doesn't take that long. Well maybe he was throwing up or something. Karl thought.

He felt a sudden grip on his thigh and a slight whisper in his ear. "I want you." He started frantically shaking his head. "No I have a boyfriend." he declined.

"He's not here now is he?" he smirks. Trailing his hand further down, he was worthless and couldn't even do anything about it.

He suddenly heard a voice he recognised in the distance. "Keep ur fucking hands off of him!" he sounded mad.

Once the face came to frame he remembered who it was. Sapnap. What was he doing here?

The boy didn't stop. "HEY! WHAT DID I SAY?!" Sapnap grabs the wrist of the creepy guy taking them off of Karl. Not losing the eye contact.

Suddenly a small boy came running into the room. "HEY GET OFF OF KARL!" he yelled, running to Sapnap. "Excuse you?" he asks.

"I said get off of him." Quackity looked pissed. "I'm his boyfriend, who are you anyway?" Karl was too drunk to understand them at this point.

"I'm Quackity, I brung Karl here!" still looking mad as ever. "Oh right. You bring Karl here, make him black out drunk then fucking leave him to get harassed by some guy?!! What a good friend that you are." he spat out.

Quackity wasn't taking his bullshit and argued back. "If You're his boyfriend why the fuck weren't you here!!!" he says putting his finger on the tallers chest.

"I didn't even know he was here you fucking idiot! He wasn't answering his phone I got worried, ran to his house figured out where he was by talking to his mom then driving all the way over here! BUT YOU WOULDNT DO THAT FOR HIM RIGHT? NO OFCOURSE NOT WHO DO U EVEN THINK U ARE?!" with that Sapnap picked Karl up in bridal style carring him to his car.

Karl was slurring out random words that didn't make sense, although it was kinda funny to Sapnap. Once he got Karl all good and settled in the back seat he walked to the drivers seat to get to his house.

He had let Karls mom know that if Karl didn't come home he would be safe at Sapnaps, so she wouldn't worry.

"Oh my godddd. You're so hott." Karl blurted out without a thought in his head. Sapnap giggled and said "Well thank you." still laughing at the comment.

"Can you kiss meeeeeeee?" he had probably no awareness of his surroundings which was funny. "When we get home baby." he reassured.

The movement and random words had seem to came to a stop as Sapnap looked in his rear view mirror to find a cute sleepy Karl. He was staring in awe before returning his gaze to the road. Being safe.

He had arrived into his driveway and started getting Karl out of the car. "Hi handsome." he giggled with his hands infront of his mouth. "Hi cutie." Sapnap replied.

As Sapnap brought him to his room he carefully placed Karl onto his bed. He looked at Sapnap with a pouty face, signaling he wanted a kiss. Sapnap came over to place a small soft kiss on Karls lips.

Karl pulled Sapnap's lips back to his. Roughly kissing him, putting his hands under his shirt. The kiss had came to a pause since they were both out of breath. "I need you." Karl whimpered in Sapnaps ear.

"Not right now. You're drunk my love." Karl didn't seem to be satisfied at the tallers response. "But pleasseeee." he whined.

"I can't do that while you're drunk, if you were sober I would definitely fuck you. But Karl honey I can't without your sober consent." Karl didn't seem to understand the words and kept trying to pull Sapnap onto him.

Eventually it clickes in his head and he gives up, snuggling onto Sapnap. He placed a small kiss on Karls head before going to sleep himself.

They were both so tired they fell asleep in their clothes. But aslong as they have each
other its okay.

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