think about it.

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Sapnap had just come home and speeds over to the kitchen to try and find him mom. "MOM?!!" he yells out trying to figure out where she was. With slight worry he starts looking around the house, his breaths becoming shorter. Leaving no spot in the house unlooked he starts to get in a bigger panick. Rushing to his room since that was the last place. 'She wouldn't be in my room though why would she?' he questioned himself before walking in.

Not finding his mother but noticing a note on his bed, he felt like someone just took so much weight off of his shoulders.

'hi honey, i'm going around the town a bit and getting to know the people here. There's food in the fridge i will see you later. Take care!' he let out a tiny laugh at his own worry. 

He heard his stomach growling and decided he'll go see what his mom left him. He hadn't eaten since lunch and was starving. Almost tripping down the chairs he makes it to the kitchen. Slowly walking over to the fridge while being on his phone and reaching out for the door handle he realizes his mom asked him to go to the store for her. 

Sighning at the task he opens the fridge. 'I don't actually have to go do I?' He thinks looking into the fridge. He saw some spaghetti leftovers and assumed that would be his dinner, which he was in no mood for. 'Might aswel go out' he thinks to himself. He hasn't seen any of the town except his school this past week. Maybe this would be exciting?

He runs to get his jacket and his skateboard which he always stored safely in his room. He got it from his old best friend who he is no longer friends with. But he'll always have a piece of Sapnaps heart. Making sure to not forget his keys and wallet he was on his way out. 

He had no clue where he was going he was just going where the road led him. The town isn't actually that bad, there's tons of nice places out here. He was glad his mom had actually chosen a decent town. He arrives to some local grocery store and decides to hop in and take a look.

Looking around and trying to find the stuff his mom asked him for. 'Milk, eggs, water and bread' he repeated to himself quietly. After finding what he needed he wanted to get himself some snacks so he did that. 

After a while he returns home with the stuff he purchased, still seeing no sight of his mom. Placing away his groceries he finds his knees going weaker. He worked his way to the couch, immediately flopping himself onto it. Looking around to find the remote for the tv wanting to watch something interesting.

He found himself scrolling through netflix for ages eventually giving up. 'why does everything has to suck man' he asks himself hearing keys ratteling at the door. Thank god his mother was home. He needed some distraction

"Hi sweetie" she greets him not even being fully inside the house yet. "Hi mom, how was it." he asks genuinely curious. "It was great! I met alot of nice neighbours and nice places. We should go to them together sometime or you can even go with your friends" a sweet smile places on Sapnaps lips as he hears the excitement in his mothers voice. She looked so happy talking about this.

"How was your first week?" she moves on from the old topic, being interested how her son's week was. "It was okay" he lets her know, not giving any details. His mom frowns a bit "Just okay? Nothing special to tell me? No girlfriends yet?" she lets out a little laugh at her last question.

"No, nothing." he leaves of to his room. It might sound weird but he wasn't excited for the weekend.

He arrives at his new room, he hasn't accepted the fact this would be his new room yet. And it was all messing with him. While walking in he signs seeing how antyhing has rarely moved since they've moved in. Cardboard boxes still being everywhere in sight.

Shuffling through the mess on his floor he finds his way infront of his wardrobe to find some sweatpants and a hoodie to chill.  There we're clothes everywhere to be seen he was suprised he found something.

Jumping onto his bed and positioning himself good he grabbed his phone and started scrolling through his social media. He let out a big sign since there was nothing to entertain him. Being bored was one of the worst feelings to him.

He decides he might as wel just take a shower to think about something else. Throwing off the clothes he had put on around 15 minutes ago and gently placing them on the counter along with a towel. 

He turned on the shower and switched to a beter temperature. Once it has warmed up he jumps in and starts washing himself. 

He knew something was annoying him about his past week but he can't seem to figure out what. So he just takes his mind off of it and enjoys his shower. 

Thinking about the question his mother asked him earlier. His week did go good, he didn't lie about that. Except it was kind off weird to him since it was a big change. There were alot of changes in such a short period of time. It was gonna take some time to get used to but he will eventually.

He realized his personality was probably gonna change too, since his new friends are nothing like his old friends. But that's a part of change and growing up right, it's nothing to be scared for. He convinced himself he would just have to deal with it. Although it did bug him a bit since he really hates change. But not every change is bad. He will have a great life out here.

After thinking for a while about how his new life is going to be he was getting excited about it, not it being the same and having change were excited for the first time in Sapnaps eyes. 'It is't that bad actually' he mumbled to himself. 

Finishing up his shower and walking out and drying himself off. Getting changed once he was fully dry and drying his hair slightly with his towel. 

Walking back out to his room he wasted no time to go to his bed. He still had so much energy even though it was getting late.

It didn't matter that much though since it was weekend but he thought he would be passed out by the time he got home from the store. Maybe he was excited about this since the start after all.

 Finally reaching out for his phone to go find something on youtube to watch so he could start heading to bed soon. After was feels like hours of searching he finds some stuff to watch.

After letting out a few quiet giggles every now and then he finishes up the video and he wasn't feeling tired enough yet so he went out to look for another one to watch.

It didn't take as long to find one this time, it wasn't a very long video but he was so tired by the time it ended he was struggling to keep his eyes open.

Feeling a huge wave of relief after finally putting his phone down and getting comfortable.

Not much longer later he falls asleep, breathing out slight snores. 

His mother sneaks up to check on him, like she does often. 

Opening the door as quiet as she could she found her son sleeping peacefully. This made her happy since she knew he wasn't getting much sleep and she knew something was bugging him. She just couldn't get him to tell her. 

Karl finally woke up around noon. 'oh shit I slept so long' he thought to himself. Stretching his arms out right and letting out a little groan before stepping out his bed still being very tired for whatever reason.

Stumbling down the stairs still half asleep he finds his way to the kitchen and opens the cabinet where the cereal is stored. Grabbing out whatever he reached for first he poured into a bowl with also milk.

He wasn't a big breakfast guy so just some cereal would do him good plus is noon anyway.

Placing himself infront of the tv and turning it on to watch some cartoons. He realizes he should get dressed because he wanted to go out today.

Runnign up the stairs being excited to get dressed he starts looking through his clothes. letting out little no's and maybe's. 

After spending a long time on finding a good outfit he just decides on a simple hoodie with black jeans. 'Can't go wrong with that right?' he looks at himself in the mirror. 

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