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**Author's note: any speech between Garrus and Shepard that is in parathesis means that Garrus doesn't understand what she is saying.**

Garrus woke up cold and in pain. He sat up and touched his face.

"(I wouldn't do that)," a voice spoke up.

Garrus's head shot up when he heard an alien voice. His eyes adjusted to the darkness and saw the figure of the alien who was on the ship with him.

"(Your face took some damage from the fall)," the alien continued.

Alien touched its face and then pointed at him.

Garrus looked around for a type of mirror and found a plate that would work. He couldn't tell the extent of the damage but he could tell that his face wouldn't be the same again. When the alien didn't make a move toward him, Garrus looked around and found that he was underneath a makeshift shelter and it was dark outside.

His armor lay beside him and he saw that his helmet was broken. A type of blanket was laid over his feet. Garrus was surprised that the alien was able to get close enough to him to be able to take off his armor but he was also surprised that it was able to take off his armor. How in the world did it figure it out?

"(I'm not here to hurt you)," the alien spoke up once more. "(If I wanted to hurt you, I would have done it while you were unconscious)."

Garrus tried to activate his omni-tool but found he couldn't. He grabbed his helmet and tried to turn it on. Nothing seemed to be working.

The alien watched him but didn't approach. Feeling naked, Garrus put on his armor. Thankfully the battery still had juice and he was able to warm up. For the remainder of the night, the alien stayed as far away from him as possible. Garrus didn't mind since he couldn't tell if he could trust it or not. Until he got his comms to work, Garrus knew that he had no choice but to stay on the planet with the alien.

Morning couldn't come fast enough. Garrus spent most of his night trying to fix his omni-tool but no matter what he tried nothing was working. He hoped to go out in the morning to salvage what he could; supplies, food, equipment. Anything that would help him stay alive long enough to be rescued. He hoped the alien didn't have ill intent toward him but if it came down to it, he would kill it.

Garrus looked around the makeshift shelter and deducted that the alien didn't know how to survive outdoors. Why would the alien attach the tarp to the side of a broken ship? Garrus took it upon himself to help out. He spent most of the morning outside salvaging what he could from the wreckage. He needed tools to fix his omni-tool.

I can get a signal out once I get the Omni to work. I'm sure Nihlus and Saren will be around once they've returned the pod to the Council. I just need to hold out until they return.

As the sun went down and the temperature dropped, Garrus decided to return with the few things he could find. His main priority was to find some dextro-type food but so far he hadn't found any. With any luck, he would find something tomorrow. When Garrus returned he saw that the alien was also back and sitting in their usual spot.

"(Welcome back)," the alien said. "(I found some food that might be to your liking.)"

The alien pointed at his bed. Garrus saw that there was a bag waiting for him. He slowly walked over curious as to what was in the bag.

The alien brought back dextro food, Garrus thought going through the contents of the bag. How did it know I could eat these?

"Thank you," Garrus said pointing to the bag.

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