Going To The Aquarium!

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Sunday March 9 th 2024

** the family is going to go outside for the day as it's a beautiful day, So everyone gets ready and gets up early . Maya is almost 15 weeks pregnant and she does have a little more energy. Thank you second trimester...Maya actually had the idea to go to the aquarium ! Carina agreed. They decided to not tell the kids where they are doing...Only the little kids are going, Starting from Violet all the way down to Niccolas . Everyone was excited to go to the surprise! It is a two hours drive from their house but both wives were excited to surprise their kids. The aquarium closes at seven pm **

8h57 am

Scarlett: momma are you ready?
Carina : yes I am Scarley bug , I'm just giving Niccolas some apple sauce to eat!
Scarlett: alright, we're waiting for you two to get out of the house momma !
Carina: alright, well I'm almost done feeding him Apple sauce , tell mommy that we're going to be outside in five minutes okay ?
Scarlett: Alright momma. I'll tell her to get the boys and Londyn in their car seats while we wait.
Carina: perfect, thanks!

9h21 am
Carina: okay Niccolas is safely buckled in, everyone ready?
Maya : yes everyone has been trying to guess where we are going today, and I didn't tell them yet!

Carina: perfect! It's a fun surprise!
Londyn : can we have a hint please please momma !

** she pouted her lips and looked at her momma in the mirror **

Carina: okay fine, uhhhh ! What hint can I get you all that won't ruin the surprise hrmmm

Maya ; it's an indoor activity that we never did before but we thought you would like it.
Carina: hrmmm alright! That's your hint guys!

Alessandro and Londyn : hrmmm that's a very difficult hint but okay, hrmmm !  That literally can be anything.
Londyn : Where are we going? Bowling ?
Fishing? Trampoline park? Uhhh  please give us another hint! And why aren't Chloe, Lorenzo , Skylar and Santiago and Tristan not coming with us mommy ?
Maya : they couldn't come because they were all working, and your next hint is there's multiple animals in the place ! That's it ! Your final hint!

Scarlett: ouhhhh I bet it's the insectarium or something like that! That's soooo cool!
Violet : what? Uhhhh ! Absolutely not, I don't like insects.... That's grossing me out just thinking about this....
Carina: don't worry Vivi , it's not going to gross you out.  We're almost there, there was no traffic so that's good!
Maya : yeah! 

10h29 am
**They are now at the aquarium parking lot and the kids are now seeing where they are going to be spending the day and Londyn is extremely excited!!! The other kids are too **

Maya : alright guys we're here!
Londyn : woahhhh that's a huge fishy ! Are we going to the aquarium momma ?
Carina : yessss that's where we're going right now. Seeing all different kinds of fish. We thought it would be fun ; since you love fishies !

Violet and Alessandro: that's so cool! It's going to be really fun!

Londyn : yayyyyy ! Im ready to get out of my seat mommy !

Maya : I know love, we're getting the strollers out!
Londyn : okay !
Carina: alright baby girl come on your stroller is ready.
Londyn : thank you momma !

Carina: you're welcome. Oh and please keep your little Jean jacket on.. it's still quite cold out and we don't want anyone to get sick.
Londyn : but mine too hot momma !
Carina: you know that is not true! Keep it unbuttoned !
Londyn : fine ! Ohhhh I'm so excited to see all different kinds of fishiessss !!!

Alessandro: is there going to be any sharks in that aquarium!! I really love sharks!
Londyn: what ? Sharks are dangerous Alessandro!!!  I am terrified of sharks. They can eat people.  Bad sharks!
Alessandro: I know , but they are safe in the aquarium Londyn, don't worry. They will never get you.
Londyn : okay I hope so !

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