What to do in an emergency ?

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Tuesday March 11 th 2024

** it's a beautiful day, smells like spring and flowers beaming... today no one wants to go to school or daycare. So Carina thought of a good idea.. she talked to Maya about it and she wasn't too sure to have their kids stay home from school if no one was sick but Carina convinced her wife that she had an idea !

7h21 am
Lorenzo: shittt we're going to be late for school!

**Carina got up with Niccolas in her arms as she prepares to breastfeed him **

Enzo , it's okay , you're not going to go to school today, I'm going to ...

Lorenzo: momma we're in high school we need to go ! I'll buy myself a coffee and donut , Come on Chloe we're going to go get a coffee and donuts from dunkin donuts before school!

**Chloe bolts out of the house and headed to his car and sat in the passenger seat **

Chloe : we have to go momma. ! Teach the kids on what to do in an emergency situation today, Lorenzo and I know what to do. Don't worry!

Carina: okay , please wear your seat belts! And have a good day!

**Lorenzo and Chloe waved goodbye to their momma ! They made it in time for school, they told their teachers that their alarm clock didn't go off! Everything was fine, They texted Carina to let her know that they made it to school safely **

8h38 am

**The middle and youngest children ( Violet all the way to Londyn ) were all up and wondering why they were not at school today**

Violet: soooo why are we not at school today?
Carina: it's because I realized that you guys might not know what to do in case of any emergency soooo today I want to prepare you for the worst case scenario.
Alessandro : ouhhh like saving someone's life?
Maya : yea but we'll show you that later today. Now I have your little black board here so momma will write down our address and street name on here and we'll leave it on so you know what to say to officers who come help.

Carina: exactly. Okay so there's four of you right now so I'll tell you what street we're on and I'll have Violet and Scarlett go on the porch and tell the first two numbers on the house and then Londyn And Alessandro you'll do the same thing with the two other numbers!

Londyn : okay I ready momma !
Scarlett and Violet: alright soooo what do you have in mind momma !
Maya : I don't know what she has in mind but we'll see! Come here Niccolas , come see mommy !

Carina: okay so the first question I want to ask you is do you know what our address is?
Londyn ; what's an address momma ?
Carina: our address is the street name and the number on the house and that's it.

Violet and Scarlett: we do know it !
Londyn : well I want to know it so I know what to say to people who come and help me.
Carina: alright so our street is PineRoad street.
And the four numbers on the house are !

Violet and Scarlett : we're going to tell you the first two numbers and then Alessandro and Londyn will tell you the two last numbers!

** Violet and Scarlett both ran out to the porch and came back inside**

Maya : woah you two are really fast! So what are the two numbers?
Violet: the first two numbers are 77
Londyn : alright come on Alessandro let's go see the next two numbers on the house!

**She took her older brother by the hand and ran outside to the porch and together they figured out what they were **

I say it please I know those numbers.
Alessandro: alright, tell momma what are the numbers!
Londyn : okay , the two numbers are 3 and a 7 after it !
Carina: good job ! So when you put them all together it makes 7737 PineRoad street , Seattle Washington.

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