Waiting For Her Call !! 😳

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Monday April 8 th 2024

** ITS early early in the morning, both wives are up .. Niccolas is babbling on his mommy's lap ! Everyone else is asleep. Maya and Carina have an immense important conversation to have! CAN THEY ADD FOUR MORE CHILDREN TO THEIE ALREADY BIG YET AMAZING AND BEAUTIFUL FAMILY? **

6h38 am

Good Morning my beautiful wife!
How did you sleep last night?

Maya : hrmmmk , good morning to you too my extremely sexy love, I slept okay last night and you?
Carina : that's wonderful. I slept okay, I had a little bit of back pain and it actually kept me awake for two hours... but I ended up sleeping again ...

Maya : Awnn , even though I'm pregnant you know you can always ask me to give you a back massage right?
Carina : yea ! I know ! But you were peacefully asleep so I didn't want to wake you up..

Maya : okay !

**Carina smiled at her wife and son **

Sooo do we agree that we should let my sister and her wonderful husband legally adopt Daisy , Rose , Logan and Oliver?
Maya : yea I think we should... that way they would be part of our family still..

** Carina agreed and nodded.. she let out a sigh of relief.... **

Now we have to wait until my sister calls us and tells us the good news!

Maya : yea ! We should go make breakfast so we're distracted from this....

Carina : exactly! Let's go , do you need any help getting out of bed babe?
Maya: no I'm good. Later on in my pregnancy I will...
Carina : alright. Let's go make our beautiful ten perfect children a lovely breakfast.

Maya : did your sister say when she'd call you?
Carina: she didn't specifically say what time, all I know is their going to be in the court room tomorrow afternoon, at 12h30 pm and she will call me and Andrew to let us know when they are officially going to become the forever parents of

** she whispered **

Daisy , Logan , Oliver and Daisy !!

Maya : okay , we're going to be available all day...

Carina : yea , I'm not going anywhere today or the rest of the week. Not after the scary incident of Londyn and Niccolas 's randomly stopping to breathe and experiencing a severe seizure...

Maya : okay!  Yes I agree... we need to stay home and slowly start getting back into regular routine... but it definitely can wait... I love having them both at home during the day.,, and you were right several years ago when we took one kid out individually for their own special day with you and I, whether it was with Alessandro and the train museum or Londyn at the American Girl Store ... their personalities do shine through and they have so much fun and interesting conversations and thoughts....

Carina : yea ! I love that too !

Ouhhh but I might have to go to the courthouse to support my sister and then I'm coming back home and stay here for the next week'
Maya : alright.. would you mind if I stayed home with the kids? I'm really not feeling too good today... I have massive headache and I'm feeling sick and dizzy for some reason today!
Carina: it's okay mi amore ! I'll give you anti reflux medicine and you should feel better in half an hour to an hour and a half ish !

And then I'll be taking care of you.
Maya : perfect... thank you for being extremely caring and understanding about me not going.... I really wish I would..

Carina: don't worry babe I been where you are and I understand that uncomfortable feelings of dizziness and heartburn and pain... I will film everything for my sister and I will send it to our family group chat...

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