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If You Guys Would Like, Pretend Your The Lawyers, Give Me Some Questions For The Defendant, And, Plaintiff, And I Will Put The Questions Into My Next Chapter :) I'll Also Put Your User Name, And Give Credit


Kentrell stood up, and, was escorted to the podium.

"Please state your name for the court."

"Ma full name? Or?."

"Full." Mr. Porter frowned, not finding humor in Kentrell's sarcasm.

"Kentrell DeSean Gaulden."

"Will the witness please stand to be sworn in by the bailiff?." Judge Tamar Stewart asked.

"Please raise your right hand. Do you swear to tell the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth?." Mr. Porter said.

"Mhm, I mean, yeah I do."

Mr. Porter snatched the Bible from under Kentrell's hand.

Kentrell sat down, he looked at the mic, then at Taylor who stood up, and, walked toward him.

"How are you doing today Mr. Gaulden?." He asked.

"Mhm." Kentrell dryly responded.

"Well, um, please state your name to the court."

"I just did---." Kentrell smacked his lips. "Kentrell DeSean Gaulden, you want meh ta spell dat mothafucka too?."

"Language, Mr. Gaulden." Judge Tamar Stewart demanded.

Tyquian chuckled.

"Ma fault, whatcho want Sir."

"What do you do for a living Mr. Gaulden?." Taylor asked.

"I rap, imma rapper, uh well known one at." Kentrell folded his hands. He rolled his neck.

"What's your rap name?."

"NBA Youngboy, you know dat, why you tryna play meh slime?." He squinted his eyes.

"Mr. Gaulden, one more out burst." Judge Tamar Stewart turned to look at him.

Durk's eyes widened as Kentrell glanced over. "Cut dat shit out nigga." He mouthed.

"I apologize." Kentrell said, as he looked down at his shoes.

"Mr. Gaulden, let's go back, before Jesse, and, Ben were murdered, what were y'all friendship like?."

"It was toxic." Kentrell looked up, and, his eye bags darkened. "With dem, I drunk, and, smoked erryday. Dey, mostly Jesse, encouraged meh ta do stupid shi--stuff."

"Mr. Gaulden, how old were you? When all of that was going on?."

"Twenty three, goin' on Twenty four."

"Right, so, you couldn't say no to their advances? Seems pretty selfish of you to blame them when you are an adult."

"I did say no ta dere advances, but, dey kept on, until I agreed. It's an insult ta say no ta people like Jesse, and, Ben."

"Hmph, okay, what caused the sudden break up between you three? What was the last straw, that broke the camal's back?."

Kentrell bounced his legs, slightly uncomfortable with the question, he didn't want to go back to that dark time of his life. The drama, the dissing, the drinking, the shouting. He pressed his lips closed, before opening them.

"I just didn't want dat negativity in ma life anymore, dats why I kicked dem out ma house, him, and, Ben. Dey both wanted meh ta wild out all da time, and, Ty." Kentrell smiled. "He convinced meh ta change ma ways."

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