Chapter 1: sweet tea in the summer

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The sun was sending pink rays across the sky as folklore wondered through the fields. 

She loved the early mornings before anyone else in their house was awake and the world seemed to stand still, her sister always said that her favourite time for alone time was dusk but folklore was the opposite.

She was holding a leather bound notebook, splitting at the seems and filled with pages of folklores diary entries and poems and novel ideas.

She'd been writing a lot lately, spending more and more time in the sunroom by the lake at the foot of their garden, it was getting far too over stimulating for her inside the house.

Where to start? For one thing there was debut who had her high school exams coming up and folklore did not have the patience to proof read her essays while she hovered over her shoulder, tears of nervousness falling on her acoustic guitar.

Then there was speak now who was experimenting with baking to prove to reputation that she did in fact have hobbies and a talent. folklore could never get a quiet moment alone in the kitchen to make her signature tea, which it turns out had a direct impact on folklores ability to focus on her book.

Folklores sister, evermore had been unusually annoying recently too, she wrote love letter after love letter in red ink and kept asking debut to tell her about cowboys for 'lyrical purposes'. Folklore wasn't as much of an empath as her older sister and she was finding it hard to read between the lines, causing her frustration as normally she and her sister would tell each other everything.

Folklores best friend back up for when evermore was suffering from champagne problems was lover, but there are only so many times a girl can listen to her best friend go on about her crush but not give any details, not even a name.

And then of course, the cherry on the cake was that 1989 and midnights, the usual power couple in the house, kept arguing. folklore tried teaming up with lover to help them but it seemed that the two love birds needed some time apart.

Trying to unravel the threads of the drama going on in her house at the minute was starting to hurt folklores head so she headed back inside, hoping that this early in the morning speak now would still be asleep and she could make herself her famous French toast.

However when folklore entered the kitchen she found 1989 crying at the island, she sighed, knowing her peaceful alone time was up and as one of the few people in the house without problems, she should try and help her friends

'Hey '9, what's wrong?' Folklore wasn't a big fan of physical affection but 1989 was a hugger so she met her half way and laid a comforting arm across her shaking back

'It's midnights, she won't talk to me and I don't know what happened and I'm so worried about her and I don't understand what I did, was I too much for her? Why didn't she say? Do you think she fell out of love with me? Was it me?' She wiped her running mascara and buried her head in her hands

'Oh honey calm down ok, you know, probably better than I do, that midnights is not always the most stable of people, hmm?' 1989 lifted her head slightly but made no motion of acknowledgment

Folklore continued ' if I'm honest with you love I'd say its probably something that's going on with her, I'll get evermore to look into it and see what's up alright? Come on let's get you some food and a shower, do you want some french toast?'

1989 nodded gratefully and wrapped her dressing gown tight around her quivering body as her friend lead her upstairs.

Once folklore could hear the crying girl singing tearfully, masked by the running water (something about crashing down but coming back every time), she started to climb the spiralling staircase that lead to her sisters room up in the attic of the house.

Folklore and evermore were never very close as children, folklore found her older sister unsettling with her talent for being able to read her emotions perfectly and her obsession with witchcraft, and evermore was irritated by folklores constant need to regale her with the adventures of the characters in her head, but as they'd grown up they'd grown together. Often overlooked by their friends due to being the quiet ones they had come to rely on their sisterhood and folklore missed her sister even though they'd only been distant for a week or so.

Folklore knocked on the trapdoor and her sister opened it, dirty blonde braids draped over her shoulders, clearly warm in the august heat at the top of the house, evermore was wearing a loose red sundress with a lattice lace back, it did not look like something she would normally wear. But when folklore mentioned it she only received a mumbled response.

Ever the blunt one, folklore got straight to the point, regaling 1989 and midnights' drama and explaining to her sister that 'since you and midnights are pretty close do you think maybe you could go and talk to her? You don't have to try and sort out her relationship but '9 and I are pretty worried that she might not be ok and she could probably use a friend' evermore was as emotionally detached as reputation likes to think she is so folklore wasn't sure if she'd agree but to her surprise her sister complied readily, it was almost as though she was grateful of the distraction

Folklore was on a mission now to make sure that the whole house was calm and contented and at peace with each other, they were her chosen family and she needed to look after them, so she decided it was time to reinstate family movie nights

Chosen family

Folklore 🍃: alright everyone, I'm bringing back family movie nights, who's up for ordering pizzas and watching the devil wears Prada tonight?

Debut 🦋: noooooooooo folklore you know I have to revise!!!!!!!

Fearless 🫶: come on deb you'll be ok you've been studying for days you'll be fine

Reputation 🐍: yeah I hate to tell you fi but she's not exactly the brightest...

Fearless🫶: I will end you so fast R.

Lover 🌈: you guy's friendship makes no sense to me, but fearless is right Debbie you'll pass your exams you can relax for one night, movie night sounds great folkie I'll bring the blankets 💖


Red💋: damn Eve, I didn't know you could type in caps

Red 💋: also movie choice approved, I ❤️ the devil wears prada

Speak now ✨: you mean you 💜 Anne Hathaway...

Red 💋: but come on can you blame me?

Reputation 🐍: wait red, since when were you so close to evermore that she lets you call her Eve?

Evermore 🍂: stfu reppy

Reputation 🐍: touché

Folklore 🍃: movie has been rented guys, lover and I are heading out to get popcorn cornels and snacks now, see you all in the lounge at eight xx 


Ok hi this is the first story I've ever written so please no hate 

I have a vague plan of where it's going so please comment or message me any ideas I'll be sure to mention you

Update times will be pretty frequent (or I'll try anyway) but they won't be regular, I might post three chapters in one day and then not post for a few days, we'll see how it goes

Thank you xx 

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