Chapter 3: say my name and everything just stops...

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Folklore was very confident in her plan, she liked a solid plan and she was pretty sure that the reinstatement of family movie nights would be the first step of a successful plot.

Being the systematic person she is, folklore had spent her afternoon, after she and lover had been to get the stuff for their movie night, in the sunroom down by the lake

She always felt calmer there, sat with her cat Betty, bathed in golden sunlight, chewing on the end of her thin blonde braid and rapping a pen against her open notebook

She was trying to identify the social problems currently at play in their house (she had recently reentered her Shakespeare era and was feeling very much like puck, compelled to resolve social malfunctions by the hands of a divine power)

So far, she had stated the obvious:

1. 1989 and midnights broke up

2. Debut's exam stress is clearly fucking with everyone's heads

3. Lover and reputation need to be set up

The only other thing she could think of was that she needed to figure out what going on with her sister and why she was acting all lovey Dovey, however that was quite low on her list of priorities, her sister was emotionally intelligent enough to sort through whatever she was going through, 1989 on the other hand was going to need folklores support


Lover was in the house's personal spa with speak now, they were having a girls afternoon with 1989 before folklores movie night that evening

Speak now had been begging lover to help her dye her hair for months now and since lover also needed to redo her pink dip dye she decided to make a day of it and after talking with folklore on their outing that morning she thought 1989 could do with some girl time after her break up

Lover wasn't mad at midnights for breaking up with her friend, she was wise in the mysterious ways of love and as she was always telling speak now every time she cried over a hook up, "what happened happened, what will happen will happen, there is nothing we can do about it except know that in the end everybody will get what they deserve, good or bad"

Lover wasn't going to try and understand it, it wasn't her place, but she knew midnights probably had her reasons and that right now the best thing she could do was play 1989's album on the stereo while they chilled in the jacuzzi

All three girls had their hair wrapped up, lover with her bubblegum dip dye, speak now had chosen purple balayage on her mass of princess curls and 1989 had decided to revamp her style, she went with some blonde extensions and lowlights in shades of sea blue

Lover could see speak now making little puppy eyes at 1989, she loved speak now but the girl either went all in and devoted herself to one person for the long term, or she had hookups with people she would never last with and lover could only see blackness at the end of the speak now x 1989 tunnel, however she didn't think much of it, 1989 had just gone through a break up she wasn't going to randomly sleep with a girl who a) was bi with a strong male preference, b) was a good four years younger than her, and could only just drink, and c) was known for having catastrophic one night stands


For the most part, lover and 1989 were thinking on the same lines, until they got out of the jacuzzi and washed and dried their hair and suddenly lover had gone to meet reputation and 1989 was alone on a sunny deck with speak now.

Actually scrap that; 1989 had forgotten she was speak now, her broken hearted mind was blinded to their platonic relationship and right now all she could see was girls pale purple bikini and beautiful features and to her, that was all she needed to see. 

She looked over at speak now, her eyes closed so her lashes brushed her cheekbones and her face turned up towards the blue sky

1989 swung her legs over the side of her sun lounger and crossed over to her friend, she touched a hand to her hair, mesmerised by the blonde curls that were so different to midnights and yet so similar at the same time

Speak now caught her wrist the exact same way midnights would have done, with gentle soft control, and pulled 1989 down into her lap to kiss her lips. 

As speak now's kiss deepened, so did 1989s consciousness that what she was doing was very very VERY wrong 

But at this point she didn't care, midnights did shit she shouldn't all the time, she got drunk, she used to smoke weed and vape until 1989 made her quit. 

She moved so that she was straddling speak now, her hands entangled in a mass of purple and blonde, moaning softly as she grinded on speak now's bare thigh, speak now's manicured hands found their way to 1989's bikini and she slowly dipped her fingers below the hem as 1989 whimpered and speak now shoved her tongue further down her throat.

'9 was so done with being the good girl who brought her girlfriend home on time, the mom friend, the designated sober driver. 

Fuck that shit she just got dumped by the woman she loved more than anything else in the world, the woman she was living for, she didn't owe anyone anything, she could kiss someone if she thought they looked hot 

And then it hit her. 

Speak now wasn't just some stranger at a bar she could spend a drunken night with, wake up the next morning after sleeping in her make up and stumble home and forget about. Speak now was someone she lived with and someone who she didn't have any feelings for and it was so unbelievably crappy of her to use her like this 

But before 1989 got the chance to take speak now's hands off her ass and unwind her fingers from her hair and apologise and explain, the door to the deck opened and midnights, who had clearly been crying, stumbled out, cigarette in hand. 

She took one look at her ex girlfriend, a whimpering mess with her lipstick smudged and hair messed up, a small pale purple hickey on her collarbone and another girls hand down her bikini

Midnights dropped her glowing cigarette on the floor, stubbed it out with her sneaker, looked at 1989 with pure menace in her eyes and said 'Fuck You.' 

Then she turned on her heel and walked back out through the French windows. 

1989 pulled away from speak now, out her head in her hands sat down on her sun lounger and began to sob. 

Speak now tried to rest a reassuring hand in her arm but she pushed it gently away and lighted her head 

'Look I'm so so so sorry speak now I just, I can't do this, I don't like you like that and I mean we both know you don't like me like that and I'm not over midnights yet and I'm so sorry this is such a mess' 

If it was anyone else speak now might have felt used, but she knew what 1989 was going through so she just nodded and said 

'That's ok, I know, it's ok '9, I'm here if you ever need to talk ok?' She gave 1989 a half hug and then left, knowing that she definitely was not the person who should be consoling her right now and she went to find lover or folklore 


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Thank you xx 

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