Chapter 6: she was sunshine I was midnight rain

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Ik you all wanted lovertation but they've had a lot of spotlight recently, so I thought we'd let 198nights have their moment and then you can all tell me if you want the next chapter to be lovertation or 198nights because I have mock ups of the next chapter for both, 

Love you all, enjoy and don't forget to comment xx 


1989 was pretty sure she had hit absolute rock bottom. She had eaten her way through three tubs worth of raspberry ripple ice cream and in the week since midnights had taken her heart and shattered it into a million pieces she had gone around the entire house and taken every single photo that she had of the two of them and everything that reminded her of midnights and now she was sitting on the floor of a nearly empty room with a large cardboard box filled to bursting with everything that made her hurt

She was holding a roll of duct tape and a sharpie but somehow she couldn't quite bring herself to tape the box shut and label it and pack it away in storage, that felt like giving up somehow

She was still there, wondering what to do when she heard two soft knocks at her door and a quiet meow.

'Come on in Folklore' she sighed, at least folklore was empathetic, 1989 had tried to talk to lover earlier but her friend seemed to be in some kind of 'fuck love' mood so she steered clear, she didn't need someone to get drunk in a bar with, dying her hair was as crazy as she was prepared to go, she just needed someone to try and help her understand the mess she was in

'You doing ok love?' Folklore tilted her head worriedly, 1989 burst into tears and Betty the cat wrapped herself around 1989's crossed legs 'oh honey, that bad? Do you want to talk about it?' She sat down in her dungarees accross from her friend and leant back against the bed

'I just don't understand what she was thinking, it's one thing if she was in love with someone else or cheating on me or thought I cheated on her but it wasn't any of that, we were happy, I know she wouldn't cheat on me and I definitely didn't give her any reason to think I ever even thought of cheating on her and she wouldn't have been in love with anyone else folklore. I don't really believe in fate and stuff, I think you should make your own undetermined decisions, but I really did think she was my soulmate and that we were destined to be together and it just hurts I don't know, I thought she would be in love with me forever'

Folklore didn't really have much to say, because most of what 1989 had said was true, so she just told her what she knew 'midnights still loves you '9, that girls been head of heels since the day she met you, long before you fell for her, it might have been puppy love at first but what you two have is the real deal, I've only ever had it with one person before but I know it when I see it, even midnights isn't dumb or drunk enough to let go of that'

'Then why the fuck did she dump me folklore?'

That was a fair point, but folklore had been thinking about this a lot

'Now I might be wrong, but if you want my ten cents, I'd say that midnights didn't dump you, she dumped the part of herself that was mentally ready to be with you. Midnights has a lot going on and she needs help with that, and nowhere on the back of a tequila bottle does it list 'help' as an added ingredient. Give the girl some time to work on herself, when she's figured her problems out, you two can start your relationship again, this time a little healthier than before'

1989 knew that what she was saying was true but if didn't make it any easier to hear, she was still in love with midnights and it hurt to think that she was suffering, and that 1989 had made it worse, and that she couldn't help her now

She didn't want folklore to have to deal with her emotional baggage anymore than she already was, so she hugged her and told her she should go spend some time with her sister, to which she grimaced and said she would take Betty to the groomers instead. That was weird, folk and Eve usually spent a lot of their time together but folklore seemed to be avoiding her sister recently, maybe that was why evermore was spending so much time with red lately

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