Chapter 8: light pink sky, up on the roof, sun sinks down; no curfew

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Lover awoke the next morning as the sunlight filtered through reputations blinds, her arms wrapped around her girlfriends bare waist and snuggled closer to her underneath the sheets, placing a soft kiss on her chest.

She stayed close for a few more minutes before getting up, pulling the covers up so reputation would stay warm, and pulled on a pair of reputations sweat pants and Rolling Stones T-shirt she found on rep's floor

Lover kissed the sleeping girl on the forehead and padded downstairs, sending rep a text to let her know where she was

Lover and rep private chat 9:32 am:

Lover: morning beautiful xx I'm in the kitchen making pancakes if you want some


Reputation groaned as she rolled over in bed, she stretched out a hand to where she was pretty sure lover had fallen asleep the night before...but lover wasn't there.

Oh crap. Did she dream up yesterday? Was the warm contentedness in her chest a lie stemming from her own denial?

She was mid spiral when lovers text came though, she read it and her heart rate calmed to a normal pace.

Lover was ok. Reputation was ok. They were ok. They were ok.

She threw on an oversized T-shirt that read 'fuck you I do what I want' and ran down the stairs

When she got into the kitchen she run up to lover who had her back to the door, facing the stove and wrapped her arms around the shorter girls waist and rest her chin on her shoulder

Lover smiled and turned her head to kiss reps cheek 'morning sunshine'

'Shut up' mumbled rep, but lover could hear the smile in her voice

She flipped two blueberry pancakes onto a plate and drizzled them in maple syrup

Lover twisted in reputations arms and hugged her tight 

'Come on, coffees nearly done, breakfast in bed?' 

'You are my dream girl.' 


Reputation leaned back into a pile of pillows, the girl she loved sat next to her, wearing her clothes and reputation was eating home made pancakes. She was pretty sure this was heaven. 

'Hey love?'


Reputation took a deep breath, 'what are we?'

'What do you mean sunshine?'

'Are we dating? Are we together? I mean it's okay if you don't want to be or if you just want to keep it casual and put no labels on it and like that's cool but if you want to be together then like, ig that's cool too idk' she ran a hand nervously through her frizzy blonde hair and started biting her thumbnail

Lover reached up and took reps hand from where she was biting it and held it in her own 'baby, I just made you pancakes and last night we slept in the same bed, I like you way too much for this to just be a casual no labels thing, is that okay?'

Reputation let out a sigh of relief 'oh my god of course that's ok, so...we're a couple now, you're're my girlfriend?'

'I'm your girlfriend sunshine.'

Reputation was pretty sure her heart was about to spontaneously combust. She reached over to her nightstand and grabbed her phone

'You're going to scroll tiktok now? Really reppy?'

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