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Six painful months had gone by since the death of her Alyssa and Baelon. Rhaella had no sense in life anymore but she knew she had to keep it together for the sake of Joseph and Elaena. Her sweet daughter had been sent to the vale to be with her aunt Jeyne and her Joseph remained in Winterfell as he was now heir.

The Martells had apologies for the death of her son but told her they would not be part of a war that did not include them, she understood but that did not mean that she was happy about it. Not a day ago she had arrived from one of the many battles going around the seven kingdoms. Cregan had thrown himself into the war as well he had become dull the two seemed like friends (Roommantes) more than husband and wife these past few months.

"You are with child, my princess!" The maester spoke making Rhaella sigh as she pulled her pants up. "It is on the early stages." Rhaella did not know if she should ask for tea and get rid of the child. "Have tea ready... if I do not come before night fall get rid of the tea!" Rhaella spoke and left.

Early that day Rhaella sat next to Joseph the boy of 11 who looked at her with wonder as he always did. "My Lady, My lord... Raven arrived from Kings Landing!" Rhaella took the letter a sour taste in her mouth when she saw the sigal of her half-brother. She wanted nothing but to throw it in the fire but something inside of her told her not to, with a sigh she opened the letter and began to read it the grip on the letter tightening.

"Muna?" Joseph spoke as he held his mother's trembling hand. Rhaella looked at him tears leaving her eyes at what she just read, tears of anger. Her grandson lives and if she did not go he would be killed...

She did not know this child... And yet she could not bring herself to allow Aegon to kill him... That boy was the last thing she had from Alyssa. A sob left her mouth as she held onto Joseph the boy allowed her to cry.

That night Rhaella and Lyanna spoke with one another as to what Rhaella would be doing. Joseph would be staying behind with her and Robert. Rhaella did not wish to risk losing another child to this war. "You must be careful, Ella... Aegon is blood thirsty and you are as well!"

She had taken flight to Kings Landing that night arriving a day later to the Keep. When she did Aegon waited for her half his body burn. Rhaella could not help but grin at his state. "Where is my grandchild?" Rhaella asked as Aegon smirked.

"Is that all you have to say, sister? Did you not miss your brother?" Aegon sneaker. "WHERE? IS MY GRANDCHILD?" Rhaella repeated harsher this time making Aegon roll his eyes as he guided her to the nursery. When she arrived she saw the brown hair babe in the crib. "I wish to be alone!" Rhaella spoke as Aegon nodded leaving her be. When Rhaella held the child she cried as she held the six month old. The mitch match eyes made her remember her Alyssa.

It was not long for Aegon to call for her as she left the nursery with her grandson in her arms. A bit of light came back to her eye as the babe spoke to her. "What is his name?" Rhaella asked as Aegon walked in front of her. "Rickon Targaryen like his grandsire!" Aegon spoke making Rhaella nod. Much to her dislike Rhaella had run into Alicent the woman looking at her in shock as Rhaella held her grandson. The woman looked at her and left.

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