Twenty one -

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Rhaella woke up sweating as she remembered the death of her firstborn. Before she could panic more she felt Cregan by her side a snore leaving his lips as he turned away from her making her chuckle as she got off the bed. Dressing before leaving. She was quick to make her way to Rhaenyra's old bed-chamber where Loren waited for her a small smile on her lips as she saw Rhaella enter the room.

"She has been going to the King's chamber almost nightly by her own accord" Loren informed her making Rhaella nod as she took a sip of the tea. "Has the King asked for her?" Loren nodded no as she ate some of the lemon cakes. "No, stop calling for her after the death of their last child!" Rhaella squished the cup in her hand, he gives her the opportunity to heal something he never gave to her sweet mother.

"Allow Alicent to fall with child, but any ounce of Targaryen feature should be replaced with Hightower" Rhaella spoke as she took a sip of wine. Loren nodded from where she sat. "I should leave tonight to get the potion ready then. The herbs that I will need only grow in the Kingswoods" Loren informed her making Rhaella nod. "I should send Erryk with you" Loren nodded standing and kissing her princess forehead before leaving. Rhaella remained in her sister's chambers where she allowed herself to cry at the dream she had.

It wasn't until mid-day that Rhaella finally saw her sister a week after Rhaenyra's wedding had passed, they had arrived last night with a small smile on her lips when she saw her sister. The two of them made their way to the Garden with Alyssa and Baelon the two sisters sat as they saw Alyssa play with the toys the king had gifted her as for Baelon the babe latched to his mother's breast.

"I was informed that the green whore has been visiting the king's chambers nightly since we came back from DragonStone" Rhaella inform her sister. "Desperate, she boasted how she would finally give the king a son, unlike our mother, only for the babe to die a day after its birth," Rhaenyra told her a small smile on her lips. "Deformed, extra finger on both hands and feet, father had refused to hold it leaving her alone" Rhaella laughed at the news. "After that, she only had girls much to her dislike."

"You should have seen her face when she was told that the babes were girls" A voice spoke from behind them, "Rhaenys" Both sisters spoke as the older Targaryen sat by them taking Baelon from Rhaella who gave her a smile. "Something is bothering you, aunt?" Rhaenyra asked as she saw the face of Rhaenys. "Letter arrived from Laena" The two sisters looked at one another at the news. "Daemon and Laena have wed... Viserys is furious" Rhaenys told them "And so are you cousin" Rhaella spoke giving her a small smile.

"She will be love you must not worry, Daemon and Laena are good for each other... And you will be a grandmother soon as well!" Rhaella smiled making Rhaenys give her a look at her last words. "Grandmother?" Rhaenys asked. "To two girls" Rhaella added. Rhaenys looked at Rhaenyra wondering if she knew of her sister's gift. "I know of her dreams" Rhaenyra answered her unspoken question making Rhaenys nod at her as she looked down at her nephew.

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