Twenty Eight -

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The day had started with the grunts of the youngest Targaryen. Rhaella walked through her chamber her water had broken earlier that day taking Cregan and her by surprise. Cregan remained by her side as Rhaella kept walking back and forth Cregan behind her making sure that she did not hurt herself. Rhaenyra had just arrived a worry look on her face as she saw her sister walking "How far is she?" She ask Arianna the Dornish girl looked at her as she prepare for the babe.

"Around 7, the babe is ready to be born... Quite eager this one!" Arianna laughed. "But her water just broke?" Rhaenyra spoke as she looked at her sister who was now kneeling as Cregan pass a wet clothes through her face. "Her water broke around midnight, the last two babes came quick" Arianna told her as Rhaella let out another grunt. "She did not want to wake anyone up this early in the morning!" Cregan told her as Rhaella squished his hand.

"Fuck I think his coming now!" Rhaella spoke as Cregan helped her to the bed where she laid. Cregan by her side as she held her hand Rhaenyra on the other side allowing her sister to hold into her hand as she pushed. "One more push Princess, I can see his head!" The girl spoke as Rhaella let out another grunt which was followed by a scream just as the doors opened reveling Gilliane, Lyanna and Jeyne.

"A healthy baby boy my Princess" Arianna spoke as she wrapped the baby in a white sweat as she handed it to Rhaella who gladly took her son, tears left her eyes as she kissed his forehead. "Our baby Joseph!" Rhaella spoke as she and Cregan laughed at one another. "He has your nose cousin!" Jeyne spoke making Rhaella nod. "It seems this one will take after his mother" Gilliane spoke making Cregan grunt. "Perhaps the next should finally look like me!" Cregan jested.

It wasn't long for Viserys to arrived as well as Harwin and Jace. Everyone gather around the newest family member. "Another Targaryen!" Rhaenys spoke when she saw the silver hair of the babe who laid asleep on her mothers arms. "So it seems!" Cregan spoke his eyes on his baby boy as he held Baelon who looked at his mother with amazement and Alyssa could only smile as she laid next to her mother. "He's small!" Alyssa spoke making her mother nod. "He will grown but for now you must defend him alright?" Alyssa nodded at her father words. "Butterfly!" Alyssa laughed as it flew across the room only landing on the babe.

"I do have a gift for my grandson!" Gilliane spoke as the doors opened reveling Robert who held what seem like a dire wolf. "Your father wish for all his grandchildren to have a dire wolf" Cregan smile as he looked away, Joseph would be the first to not meet his grandsire. "Thank you mother!" Cregan spoke.

That night Rhaenys, Rhaella, and Rhaenyra spoke with one another as they came with a plan. "A feast should be made in two days, most head of houses are in the capital and it would be a great opportunity to introduce our children to the realm. Alicent should be going into labor tonight and it should last until early morning of that day" Rhaella spoke thanks to Loren they were able to decided what day she would go in labor. "Rhaenys would you sent word tomorrow that a brunch would be plan and that everyone is more than welcome to attend... Oh and Arryn blue is what is to be worn of course!" Rhaenyra spoke making the others nod.

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