Twenty two -

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The day started with everyone in the royal family gathering around the table as they broke their fast. Lord Corlys and Laenor had joined them before Corlys left back to Driftmark due to his health and having to take care of his own house.

It was quiet except for Alyssa who spoke to her Grandire as Viserys held her and let the girl eat from his plate. It was not long before Alicent spoke. "Will you be having more children?" She had asked Rhaella as her eyes remained on Alyssa and her husband.

"Yes, a boy then a girl" Rhaella smiled from where she sat as she took a sip of her wine. "You are so sure you will have a boy next." Alicent smiled at the younger girl. "Well, I was right about my last two, and a mother can feel these types of things."

"Rhaenys if I remember I was told you knew that Laena would be a girl and Laenor a boy," Rhaella added as everyone's attention went to the oldest of the Targaryen. "I did," Rhaenys answered.

"You must have known or felt what your own kids' genders would be. While yes they did not survive I suppose as a mother you felt it?" Rhaella smiled her eyes held mock for the Hightower.

Alicent became red at the meaning of Rhaella's words, that she was no different than her own mother her children not making it past a few months or being born deformed. "She was only right about our first, after that every single one of the babes were girls... She was sure they would be boys" Viserys laughed not noticing the mocking looks on all three of the Targaryen women as they looked at her.

"A shame" Rhaella spoke a false look of pity on her eyes. That had been the end of the family gathering as the couples and Laenor left for the god's woods where a wool blanket and toys waited for them. Alyssa had been quick to grab the toys as her dire wolf eclipse sat by her. Baelon lay between his parents as the two of them spoke with the others as his tiny dragon lay on top of him.

Laenor was quick to talk when he sat next to Joffrey. "Father just won't leave me alone!" He started as he grabbed Joffrey's hand and the others looked at him. "What do you mean?" Lyanna asked from where she sat. "He is pushing me to wed, anyone at this point... Ladies come and speak with me they throw their breasts my way they invite me to their chambers! It is tiring" Laenor spoke his eyes filled with hurt.

"Oh, Laenor!" Lyanna smiled as she held his other hand, a soft smile on her lips as she squished it. "I am sure he means no harm he is just worried for you." Laenor laughed as he down another cup of wine. "No, he is worried that I will not give him grandchildren! When Rhaenyra wed he was furious... He shouted at me that it was my fault that she did not choose me" Laenor spoke as the others looked at him.

Rhaenyra and Rhaella looked at one another, they knew how ambitious that two-sided cunt was. They needed to keep him under control, they knew he could turn into another Otto if given the chance and they could not risk it. They would have to speak about it in private later on.

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