chapter four

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two days passed ever since minho dreamt that the love fairy was in a place called astrolynx, at first he couldn't find it, he thought it was a non existing place, but after searching in every single map in the kingdom, he found it.

again he goes, looking for his true love, accompanied by his advisors and guards.

he also had a dream that fairy had broken wings, so he brought with him a white horse, so he can bring the fairy home to his kingdom, safe and relaxed.

so they went to astrolynx. they went into the woods, seeking for the love fairy, where he would be, where he would live.

until, they stumbled upon a little cottage, surrounded by beds of flowers. they went inside, but there was nothing. but, they did find evidence that the love fairy was still alive, since everything in the cottage was recently cleaned.

"but the fairy, my king, he's not here"

"let's just wait for now.. he'll come back, wouldn't he?"


minho left his guards and advisors by the cottage and decided to look around by himself. he found a river, its water shimmering with a soft, ethereal glow. the banks lined with flowers, their petals delicately falling and flowing with the river, the air filled with a scent of jasmine and roses.

then by the river, he saw a fairy. his wings broken, but still a gentle smile plastered on his face, as he was watching the fishes swim.

startled by hearing his footsteps, the fairy got up. the king walked closer to him,

"my king," the young fairy bowed, then minho took his hands and pulled him up, taking a good look at his face. he had plump lips, adorable cheeks, big, round doe eyes and overall a cute squirrel face.

the fairy king smiled as he stared at the boy. "so it's true. you do exist."

"my king, i have always been waiting for someone to come and find me" the love fairy smiled.

"please, call me minho. what's your name?"

"my name's jisung. i suppose.. mother nature sent you the signal?"

"yes, i've been searching for you for almost two years, now i've finally found you, jisung.." minho looked at the younger like there were stars in his eyes, his hands gently cupping his round cheeks. jisung melted under the other's touch, feeling so comfortable and safe with him.

"do you live with anyone here?"

"no, just the animals that hang around.. why?"

"i want to ask if you'd like to come home with me."

"of course i'd love to! but.. my wings"

"not a problem, my love, i brought a horse for you. we can go back home safely" the king smiled sweetly, not taking his eyes off the love fairy. "so? what do you say, let's go now?"

"can.. we just stay here for a bit? you didn't come alone, did you?"


the fairies sat for hours by the river, talking about their interests, talking about how they lived, about each other, about how they started dreaming of each other. they didn't think of anything else, though the sun was already setting.

"what do you say, should we get married as soon as we get to stardust labyrinth?" minho chuckled a little and the love fairy, flustered, playfully hit him. "i don't think i'm ready for marriage yet. i still want to live a little."

"i'm just joking, we'll do that whenever you're ready"

"you're considerate, i like you.."

"my king! there you are!" the two young fairies flinced a bit at the sudden sound, they immediately turned around to see one of the king's advisors and two guards. they stood up immediately. "how long have you been here? is this the love fairy..?"

"yes, seokjin, this is jisung" minho introduced and jisung bowed before the advisor. the advisor smiled, "nice to meet you, jisung" he bowed back. "we should start heading home before it's late, my king"

"right, we should. let's go"

they all headed back to the cottage, to meet everyone else. the king introduced the fairy to everyone, and soon they got ready to head home.

"my king, can i bring my crystals along?" jisung asked minho "yes, of course. bring whatever you need" the earth fairy smiled. jisung went inside his cottage and into his chambers, and packed his crystals carefully in a pouch.

while he was doing so, he felt a nudge on his back. he turned around and saw the tiger that basically raised him.

"oh, jungkwon.." the fairy frowned. "i won't be able to bring you with me" he said, kneeling before the feline, petting its head.

"jisung," minho entered. his eyes widened a bit as he saw the enormous tiger. "my king, this is jungkwon. he's been with me ever since i was born" jisung said and the earth fairy smiled, going to pet the tiger. "thank you for taking care of jisung."

"i'll miss him.."

"you can bring him if you want"

"no, he doesn't want to. this place is his home, he never leaves"

"we can come here to visit him sometime" the older smiled and pat the other's back, to which jisung smiled back. he gets up, and waved at the tiger before leaving. "goodbye jungkwon, thank you for taking care of me"

the two fairies walked out of the cottage, to see everyone else, all ready to go and waiting for the two.

jisung, as he hopped onto his horse, looked back at his cottage and sighed, smiling a bit.

"love, are you ready?" minho asked and jisung turned back to him. "oh, yes."

"then let's go now."

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