chapter eight

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so the fairies headed back to town, it was already late afternoon as they arrived. they immediately rushed to minho's treehouse and knocked on the door, the earth fairy opening it.

"oh i was just about to call you here- what's up with all those?" the oldest asked, pointing at their bags. "not important, where's jisung?" the water fairy asked "come in," minho led them inside the treehouse and to jisung's chambers.

he knocks on the door, "who is it?"

"seungmin and hyunjin are here,"


a few seconds pass and the door opens, "you're here just in time, come in" the love fairy says, stepping aside to let the two inside and closing the door after they did so.

"welcome to my love ritual chamber, you're the first to come here"

as they walk in, they were greeted with a scent of fresh roses and jasmines, the room had a pink light hue, flower lamps placed all around, vines hanging from the ceiling as well. there were shelves with pretty vials to keep potions, shelves that kept all different kinds of crystals, and shelves that had everything the love fairy would need.

in the middle of the room was three velvet cushions and a glass cauldron in the middle surrounded by a circle made with pink quartz dust.

the two fairies stared in awe, "go ahead and sit down," jisung said as he gathered his ingredients. seungmin and hyunjin sat down on two of the cushions inside the circle, the love fairy joining them with ingredients in his hand.

he puts on the floor a vial of pure spring water, honey, dried roses and some crystals, along with a ribbon, candles and a book, and a notebook. he lit up the candles and placed the crystals to form a small circle, before pouring the water into the cauldron, adding the honey and the dried roses, mixing them before taking off his necklace, opening the locket and throwing a sparkly dust into the cauldron, which reacted quickly and released smoke, along with some spark.

the two fairies coughed, waving away the smoke. "sorry about that, give me your right hand," the love fairy said and they both obliged, giving him their right hand each. jisung grabs the pink silk ribbon and tied their hands together. seungmin and hyunjin looked at each other as he did so, and both nervously looked down at their hands.

"alright. now i'll ask a few questions, please answer truthfully. if you lie, this potion will spark again, like just a few seconds ago." the love fairy said, opening the book. "hyunjin," the fire fairy looks up, gulping a bit.

"you know of seungmin's elements?" the fire fairy nods "did they appear in your dreams or vision on your sixteenth birthday?" he asks, and he shakes his head. the potion sparks again, with some smoke. the love fairy raises an eyebrow, looking at hyunjin.

"but they didn't!"

it sparks again.

"alright, seungmin, you?"

the water fairy shakes his head, but the potion said otherwise.

both furrowed their brows, then the love fairy chuckled.

"i see, i see.." he said, writing it down in his notebook, grinning in amusement and soon got a conclusion. "it's possible you dreamt of each other ever since you were little and you didn't notice and got used to it. hence why it seemed nothing changed on your sixteenth birthday, which, is also possibly true because you were already so drawn to each other, there wasn't anything to change." he smiled, putting the notebook down and picked up the other book again.

"next question, since when do you think you fell in love with seungmin?" jisung asks the older. "maybe.. when we turned thirteen,"

the potion sparks again. "please answer truthfully," the love fairy sighs.

"i.. don't know, ten?"


"come on!" he groaned in frustration, and began thinking ".. maybe when we first met?"

he waited for another spark, but there wasn't any. "cute" jisung chuckled, noting it down. "seungmin?"

"i think.. when i turned fourteen,"

another spark.

the water fairy's jaw dropped in disbelief. "that's the longest i can remember!"


"then.. when we first met?"

the love fairy chuckled again, noting the truth down. "you don't even realize the truth yourselves," he puts his feather pen down, the two fairies looked at each other and looked away immediately again, blushing.

jisung puts the notebook inside the circle made with crystals, took their tied hands in his, and told them to close their eyes, him doing the same.

"whispered winds and moon above, reveal to me, their true love. in hearts entwined, truth be shown, tell me, if their love is known"

the love fairy opens his eyes, waiting for a response from the magic potion in between them. the other two slowly open their eyes as well, seeing jisung staring intensely at the cauldron.

then the potion starts glowing, the love fairy squealing excitedly. then the potion bursts, a pink smoke filling the room and glitters twinkling before fading in the air. from the cauldron, grows two white flowers, resembling water lilies, except for the fact that they glowed, their pollen sparkling too.

jisung untied their wrists and cuts the ribbon into two, plucked the flowers and attached one to each ribbon. the fairies stared intently at his actions.

"your love is true, and it shall be known" he said as he did so, and as soon as he was done, he ties the ribbons, now with the flowers, on their wrists again.

he holds both their hands, and prays for them a blessing.

"may your days be guided by love, and your hearts beat as one. may your love blossom, and become an inspiration for every fairy in the realm. just as you proved that even different elements can live in peace together."

it felt as though the love fairy officially sealed them together. the water fairy couldn't help but smile, and look up at the older. the fire fairy did the same, smiling back at him.

as soon as jisung let go of their hands, they immediately pulled each other in for a warm embrace.

seungmin couldn't keep it in anymore and cried on the other's shoulder, the older patting his head softly, his own tears threatening to spill as well.

the love fairy stared at them in awe before getting up and giving them space, leaving the room.

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