chapter six

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seungmin couldn't help but wonder for the past couple days, if he was going to be hyunjin's true love or not. at first, he acted like he didn't care much about it, but he does.

he was too in love to just let go of him.

and now tomorrow is his birthday and he's gonna find out.

which he'd rather not, because he's scared him and hyunjin won't be each other's.

after the king found the love fairy, stardust labyrinth have been celebrating with feasts and dances, but jisung was unable to enjoy most of it, since he couldn't fly. if he can't fly, he can't dance or have fun with the others. every other fairy approached him just because he was the only love fairy, and they were curious about his abilities, and he didn't really like it. he wanted to be friends with them, someone to genuinely talk to, though he didn't mind helping anyone.

there he was again, sitting alone at the table, while minho was busy. he hasn't really gotten close with minho's friends so he really didn't have anyone to talk to, yet.

but then the young water fairy came and sat next to him, and they sat in silence for a while, despite the music that was being played.

"not quite enjoying the night?" seungmin asked, breaking the silence between them "i do enjoy it.. it just feels lonely, since i can't fly. minho's always busy too," the love fairy sighed.

"shall we go somewhere else?" the younger asked and jisung nodded. he gets up, taking the love fairy's hand and they leave the dance together.

"i don't know if you'll like this place but," seungmin said as he led him somewhere "as water fairies, we like rivers, this one's my favorite" he said as he opened the curtain-like vines hanging from a large tree arch.

behind it was a beautiful river indeed, water lilies and lotuses blooming even in the night, the moonlight striking the water perfectly. fireflies flew over the river, their lights reflecting on the water as well, the beautiful sound of the water trickling and the rattling of cicadas just adds to the beautiful view.

"no one really visits this river so i made it my own when i was a little pixie" the water fairy smiled as jisung looked around, taking in the beautiful sight. "it really is beautiful, seungmin.." he gasps.

"how old were you when you found this river..?"

"about five. so ten years already passed, almost eleven," seungmin said, sitting down and staring at the lake, the older following suit. "the night i found this river, was also the night i met hyunjin"

"right, you're in love with hyunjin?" jisung smiled "how do you know..?" "you two were a bit too obvious. and i asked minho about it, and he said you two have been in love for the past ten years?"

"i wouldn't say we were in love for the past ten years," the younger scrunched his nose. "we just really didn't have anyone else.. we were each other's one and only for a while, we became friends with the others after we turned ten," he explained.

"but i'm not sure if we really do love each other or not.. tomorrow's my birthday, guess i will find out.."


the young water fairy giggled as he flew over his newfound river that no one visited, even if he didn't have any friends he sure had something new that could entertain him. it was night, he was just a small fairy, but he didn't care. as long as other fairies didn't hear him. he was not allowed to use his powers a lot since he always caused troubles to his elders.

thing is, he was so lonely, water fairies were only allowed to interact with each other, same goes to every fairy of different elements, but the other water fairies were too busy to pay attention to him, and there were no other fairy his age. but who cares? he has his own river now.

on the other side, was a fire fairy that felt just like him. only five years old, but so lonely and gloomy. he always caused accidental flames and he was also banned from using his abilities for a while. it made him hate his abilities and he always wished for something more delicate.

on that very night, the fire fairy decided to fly around the forest. he went around, enjoying the quiet place, which was usually very loud and busy but now it was quiet since it was midnight and every fairy was asleep.

he giggled to himself and then unexpectedly, he arrived to a riverside. he's never been to a lot of rivers, since he was a fire fairy.

but as he saw another fairy his age, dancing gracefully over the river and beneath the moon, he couldn't help but stare. as he lands on his feet, still staring at the dancing fairy, he steps on a dry leaf causing it to make a crunch sound, startling the small water fairy.

the water fairy quickly looked for somewhere to hide, and the other noticed.

"it's okay i won't hurt you" the fire fairy said "please come out"

the water fairy shyly and quietly flew up to the fire fairy.

"who are you?" the water fairy asks.

"i'm hyunjin, fire fairy. you?"

"i'm seungmin, i'm a water fairy.. we shouldn't be talking to each other,"

"why not?"

"because.. the king says not to"

"what will happen," hyunjin scoffs, rolling his eyes. "let's be friends" he smiles, putting his hand out.

seungmin stares at the fire fairy's hand, and then reluctantly takes it and they shake hands.

"really we shouldn't"

"who cares, i'll even marry you if i want"

"what makes you think you can do that? that means you'll break the rules!" seungmin pulls his hand away. "but it's not like we're gonna die!" hyunjin scoffs again.

"die is a big word, take it back!"

"i don't care, i will marry you!"

"what if i don't want to marry you?"

"then.. i don't know, maybe we'll just be friends forever," the fire fairy shrugged. the water fairy stares at him weirdly, then laughs a bit.

"why would you even bring up.. marriage?"

"don't know, fairies in love do that.."

"but we're not in love."

"we might be-"



"you know, my king, about.. hyunjin and seungmin," jisung smiled as he sits down on the bed, beside minho "i talked with seungmin earlier, he told me how they met, changed the rules together and all, and.. they're super adorable"

"aren't they?" minho chuckled, holding the love fairy's hand. "they really are! i was just thinking about it and, i'd be so incredibly sad if they don't turn out to be each other's true love.. since hyunjin, he said his dreams doesn't change at all" the younger looks down a little bit. the king squeezes his hand tighter.

"so since tomorrow is seungmin's birthday, i want you to call them here, for me, so i can ask them some questions and perform some rituals, see if i can find out if they're truly lovers or not!" he gives him another smile.

"whatever you want me to do, my darling. go get some rest now," the earth fairy kisses his forehead and jisung eagerly nods, they let go of each other before saying their goodnights and jisung leaves to head to his chambers.

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