chapter seven

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seungmin nervously looks at the clock, it was almost twelve. all his friends were asleep, so was hyunjin. he sat on the floor, staring at the clock, wishing, again and again, for hyunjin to be his true love.

"mother nature, please,"

"seungmin, why aren't you asleep?" he flinches a little bit, and faced to the staircase to see hyunjin coming down. the fire fairy's eyes widened in fear as he saw the younger crying.

"are you alright?" he rushes to him and sat down beside him, hugging him immediately, not really giving him time to answer his question. this caused the water fairy to breakdown even more. "please tell me what's wrong," the older pulled away and grabbed his shoulders.

he wouldn't answer.

he was scared the other would laugh at him for even wishing to be his true love.

he was scared hyunjin would hate him.

"seungmin whatever it is, please tell me." hyunjin asked again, more sternly yet gently. "no, this is embarrassing.." the water fairy covered his face, pulling away from the other's touch.

hyunjin was a bit hurt the younger pushed him away, but he wasn't gonna give up, not yet.

"can i hug you?"

he shakes his head.

"why not?"

"go back to bed"

"i'm not gonna sleep, not without you" he leaned nearer to him, "either you tell me what's wrong and what happened, or we go to bed right now."

seungmin looks at the clock again, and then lets out a sigh. the fire fairy knew he intended on talking about his problems, so he smiled, sitting nearer to him.

"we have all the time in the world" he wraps a comforting arm around his shoulders and pulled him in. the water fairy takes a while sniffling and holding himself together before finally speaking up,

"i.. i love you, hyunjin. i don't want to ever let go of you," he sobbed. "i say i don't care but i do."

"oh, seungmin.." the fire fairy frowned "i love you too, so much, i don't want to let go of you shouldn't matter.. right? if we love each other, we don't need this stupid tradition to tell us our true love.."

"but the books, they say that if two fairies not meant to be, they are stripped off their wings and are left to die in the dark forest-"

"i don't care, i'd run away with you if need be.."

then it hit him, "right.. we should do that, we should run away together!" hyunjin suggested.

seungmin looks at the clock once again. four minutes away from twelve o'clock. he bit his inner lip, nervous of what might happen.

"but we're still so young.."

"but we already know how to live, seungmin.."


"please, seungmin"

the water fairy sighs heavily, eyes still teary, with hyunjin holding his hand tightly, sitting together in silence as he considered. both of them were desperate and wanted to love each other forever, both knew too well.

seungmin looks at the clock for the nth time. twelve. hyunjin did the same, before looking back at the younger with desperation in his eyes. the water fairy sighs once again,

"let's run away together then."

hyunjin smiled, leaning in to give the other a light peck on the lips, "happy birthday, seungmin. i love you."


as the sun rises, the water fairy rushed out of bed and gathered his clothes and anything necessary, making sure not to wake anyone up. as he grabbed some of his books, he noticed jeongin and felix peacefully sleeping together in their bed. he stopped rushing around and looked at them.

sure, he wanted to run away with hyunjin, so that even if they didn't turn out to be each other's true love, they'd still be able to love freely.

but he couldn't just leave his friends.

he knew they were being selfish.

his friends haven't found their true loves either, but they're not doing anything to break the rules or anything, but hyunjin and seungmin, they were planning on running away.

the water fairy closed his eyes, taking a deep breath.

"i'm sorry" he whispered before taking his books and bringing them to his bed and putting them inside his bag neatly. he made sure to hide his bag so that they wouldn't question anything when they wake up.

he goes to the kitchen and starts packing food, then he hears footsteps.

"happy birthday seungmin! i have a surprise for you after dinner," the light fairy hugs him from behind. "thank you felix, that's very nice" seungmin smiled. "did you get any different dream?"

"... no, the usual" his smile drops "oh.. it's alright! you'll figure out soon," the slightly older says, trying to lighten the mood.

"why are you packing food? somewhere to go?"

"yes, usual place. with hyunjin."

"oh alright, have a nice day today" felix smiled before leaving him alone in the kitchen.

soon, he felt another hug.

"good morning seungmin"


"ready to leave?" the older whispered.

seungmin nods,

"perfect. i love you."


"felix mentioned he had a surprise for me," seungmin chuckled a bit painfully as they walked together hand in hand, heading who knows where. "i kind of feel bad we left with no explanation"

"i know, we should've at least told minho.." hyunjin nods.

"that's because you're a coward,"

"i'm running away with you because i love you!"

"exactly! you're scared of everything that might happen if we didn't turn out to be each other's true love!"

"gosh, we shouldn't fight!"

"we really shouldn't.." the younger sighs.

they stayed in silence before something hit them,

"the love fairy!" they exclaimed in unison.

"we should go back," the water fairy suggested "what?! no way!"

"please, hyunjin what if it was true?"

"what if it wasn't..?"

"what if it was?"

"don't do this to me.."

"come on! we can still run away if it doesn't turn out to be true"

"but what if it doesn't turn out to be true.." hyunjin mumbled looking down, obvious he was nervous. "hey, do you trust me?" seungmin cups his cheeks, making him look right into his eyes. hyunjin nods,

"do you love me?"

"i do."

"then let's head back to town."

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