Ch 2: The old and the new...

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Time: 10:22:14 A.M

Date: July 14, 2060

Location: Beacon Academy, Vale

The scene shifts to Beacon Academy, where a sense of bustling activity fills the air. Students mill about the campus, engaged in various activities during the summer break, their laughter and chatter echoing across the grounds.

Among them is a group of Huntsmen and Huntresses-in-training, clad in their distinctive uniforms and carrying weapons with confidence. They move with purpose and determination, eager to hone their skills and prepare for the challenges that lie ahead.

At the heart of the academy stands a statue commemorating the heroes of the past during the Battle of Vale and the Atlas/NATO War. A reminder of the sacrifices made by those who came and fought before them. Students pause to pay their respects, reflecting on the legacy of courage, bravery, honor, and valor that defines their profession.

And as the sun rises high in the sky, casting its golden rays over the academy grounds, a sense of hope and optimism fills the air. For in the hearts of these young warriors burns the flame of determination, a beacon of light that will guide them through the darkness and into a brighter tomorrow.

Radio Host:*on the radio* Goooooood morning, Vale!!! This James Henderson on 101.9 The Dirge fm radio giving you a weather report!

Radio Host:*on the radio* Looks like we're in for a beautiful day here in Vale. The sun is shining bright, with clear skies and a gentle breeze blowing through the air. Temperatures are expected to reach a comfortable high of around 78.5 degrees Fahrenheit, perfect for outdoor activities and enjoying the summer weather.

Radio Host:*on the radio* As the day progresses, we might see a few scattered clouds drifting in, but nothing to dampen our spirits. So, whether you're planning a picnic in the park, a hike in the nearby mountains, or just a leisurely stroll through the city streets, it's shaping up to be a picture-perfect day to get out and soak up the sunshine.

Radio Host:*on the radio* So, grab your sunglasses, slather on that sunscreen, and get ready to make the most of this glorious summer day here in Vale. The next song will be "Hello Good Morning" by Konrad OldMoney featuring S-God! This is James Henderson signing off on 101.9 The Dirge fm radio, wishing you all a fantastic day ahead!

As he signs off, the rap song "Hello Good Morning" by Konrad OldMoney featuring S-God plays.

The catchy beats and lively rhythm accompany the bright sunshine and clear skies, setting the perfect backdrop for a day filled with adventure and excitement.

Listeners across Vale tune in to the radio, nodding along to the infectious beat and tapping their feet to the rhythm. Whether they're out enjoying outdoor activities or simply relaxing at home, the music adds an extra layer of enjoyment to their day.

As the song plays on, the energy of the music mirrors the sense of optimism and excitement that permeates the air at Beacon Academy and throughout the city. It's a reminder that no matter what challenges may come their way, the people of Vale are ready to face them head-on with determination and enthusiasm.

On the Beacon Academy Track & Field we see two of it's S Class Huntress professors jogging on the track.

One had a US Army 75th Ranger tattoo. And the other had a USMC tattoo.

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