Ch 4: ZWC and Tea...

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Meanwhile in a venue in Miami, Florida. We see drinking tea/coffee and eating sweets at a table  are Keith Ruiz Brussett(Faunus Type: Nine Tails Fox), Amelia MacArthur, and Lucy W. Nimitz, along with his four man team/half-siblings Ivylynn Brussett-Zaytsev, Laika Brussett-Hathcock, and Leo Brussett-Häyhä children of Katherine Ruiz Brussett who is the Owner of Zenif Wartime Corporations(ZWC). A company that makes High-Tech lethal weapons like from the games Wolfenstein, Red Alert 3, and T-Dolls.

Their team name is Team KILL.

Their ages are:

Keith is 18 years old.

Ivylynn is 16 years old.

Laika is 19 years old.

And Leo is 17 years old.

Keith was only 11 years old when the remnants of Shadow Company attacked in Tampa City, Florida. When he was only 7 years old, he made a Rifle of his own hands named the FKB-88. During his service, ZWC higher ups disguised his age but his height is just short, as when he was deployed, he disappeared like a Ghost from his allies. His Squad, the Staff and the higher ups tried finding him but with no luck, he was considered MIA. After a few days, he appeared and came back to a Friendly Cuban base like nothing has happened, he was taken in and questioned and what Keith told the commanding officer he was disabling and killing SC across some places. The Commanding Officer was confused as he needed proof, when Keith gave a Actual footage, the Commanding Officer was shocked to see how well he was good at sniping his enemies, picking targets one by one and was never spotted, and so the Commanding Officer reported to the higher ups and then they transferred him to the Special Forces ZWC Ranger Regiment, after that he continued Disappearing and Reappearing again and again, After a few months of fighting, he earned a Medal of Valor(Canada), the Medal of Honor(United States) and the Victoria Cross(Canada) for his actions and bravery going alone in the field, he was nicknamed the Fox Ghost.

Keith's FKB-88 is an Anti-Material Rifle built by him when he was only 7 years old, the Origin of the FKB-88 was a old German Flak-88 AA Battery from Ooarai Battalion, as Keith saw its effectiveness in all Combats of Anti-Air, Ship and Armored Vehicles, he converted a Flak-88 into an Anti Material Rifle. The design is referenced to the Barrett M95. The FKB-88 is 2x as bigger than the Barrett M95, and its caliber is .70 BMG(30×173 mm). The FKB-88 is so deadly, that it can pierce through a M1A2 Abrams, Abrams-X, T-90(Cuban) and a Leopard 2A8 in one shot, the Full name of the FKB-88 is "Flak Panzerfaust Panzerabwehrkampfwagen Kanone Bolter-88 Ausf.AE". Yes, it's a long name.

The six were talking about MAC-SOG, Beacon Academy, and President Lockheed...

Keith always being a Cunning and Mysterious one is sometimes a Vigilante in the Shadows, pulling some strings...

They also discussed about Mary who has been creating weapons, which can rival 60% of ZWC Tech and Weapons, not to mention ZWC keeping a Good Navy of Modernized WW2 Ships will soon turn to Shipgirls into a Top Secret Operation called "Operation: Mermaid" an Objective of ZWC top of the line Navy(Not for sale) as they can have rely on the sea while its Wolfenstein troops and T-Dolls(With Modernized WW2 Stuff) are on the Ground for defence.

Keith: Mary's advancements in weaponry sound intriguing. If her creations can rival even a portion of ZWC's technology, we should keep a close eye on her progress. It could provide us with valuable insights and potentially open up new avenues for collaboration or competition.

Amelia nods in agreement, her sharp mind already considering the possibilities.

Amelia: Agreed. It's always beneficial to stay informed about advancements in our field, especially when they come from unexpected sources. Mary's work could disrupt the status quo and force us to adapt, but it could also present us with opportunities for growth and innovation.

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