Ch 3: How it was...

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The next day at a covert military testing and science facility. We see a stoic 12'3" tall and 6ft wide supersoldier man in power armor bench pressing two M1A3 Abrams tanks.

 We see a stoic 12'3" tall and 6ft wide supersoldier man in power armor bench pressing two M1A3 Abrams tanks

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His name is Ivar Frank Eksinud-Takahashi.

Spotting him was another supersoldier who was 6'1" tall man named Washington Towson-Takahashi.

Both are cousins.

Washington: Let's see you do a hundred more, Ivar!

Ivar: Sure, Washington.

As Ivar continues his impressive feat of strength, Washington watches on with admiration and pride. The air around them hums with the energy of the facility, where cutting-edge technology meets the pinnacle of human physicality.

As Ivar completes his repetitions, he sets the tanks down with ease, his muscles rippling beneath the armored exoskeleton that encases him. With a nod of satisfaction, he turns to face Washington.

Ivar: Your turn, Wash.

Washington steps forward, ready to take on the challenge with the same determination as his cousin.

As Washington approaches the weight bench, he takes a moment to focus his mind and steady his breathing. With a deep breath, he grips the bars of the two tanks and begins his set, the sheer weight of the machines pressing down on him.

With each repetition, Washington pushes himself to the limit, his muscles straining against the immense force. Yet, he remains steadfast, channeling his strength and determination into each lift.

Ivar stands nearby, offering words of encouragement and support as Washington continues his grueling workout. Together, they embody the epitome of human potential, pushing the boundaries of what is physically possible.

As Washington completes his set, he stands tall, his chest heaving with exertion but a sense of accomplishment evident in his eyes. With a nod of approval from Ivar, the two cousins share a moment of camaraderie, bonded by their shared commitment to excellence.

In this covert military facility, amidst the whirring of machinery and the clanging of metal, Ivar and Washington stand as living testaments to the power of determination, discipline, and the relentless pursuit of greatness.

As they do that, the door to the testing facility opens, and three people enter. Two of them are scientists, and the third was a Scottish, Sassy, pale white skin, pale blonde wavy hair down to the waist, bluish-green Left Eye, naturally blind Right Eye woman, in a t-shirt, jeans, blue sneakers, and lab coat and is one of the lead science team members Mary Oxford Macnamara-Schnee.

 Two of them are scientists, and the third was a Scottish, Sassy, pale white skin, pale blonde wavy hair down to the waist, bluish-green Left Eye, naturally blind Right Eye woman, in a t-shirt, jeans, blue sneakers, and lab coat and is one of the ...

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