Ch 9: This was no act of terrorism...

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Time: 11:59:19 A.M

Date: August 6, 2060

Location: The Pentagon, United States

In the War Room in the Pentagon, we see Mihaly and General of the United States Marine Corps Dustin Walker watching the screens showing what happened.

In the War Room in the Pentagon, we see Mihaly and General of the United States Marine Corps Dustin Walker watching the screens showing what happened

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Mihaly: Shit...

Dustin:*stoic* You can say that again...

TV News: "CHEMICAL ATTACK ACROSS CITIES; Chemical weapons used in coordinated attacks across known cities. CHEMICAL ATTACK IN BATTERY PARK; A "dirty bomb" explodes in NYC."

CNN News Reporter: At 9:22 Eastern Time, chemical attacks were triggered across highly populated cities across NATO, SATO, Africa, ROM, Vale, Atlas, Vacuo, Mantle, Mistral, and ports on EUTO.

One of the chemical attacks is located in London; "Chemical attack, Central London, 4M contamination radius."

Wallcroft:*via radio* I repeat: Downing Street is within the contamination radius, over!

Many of the cities and some of their intelligence defenses go offline as a result of the chemical attacks.

Brazilian Female News Reporter: It's been called one of the worst terror event in history for Terrans.

The MAC-SOG base located in Atlas. A USN Commander Lee Falcon sends a distress video feed.

Lee:*coughing up blood* This is MAC-SOG Base in Atlas. My men are either dead or dying!*coughing and eyes bleed* SHIT!!! I've been exposed!

Mihaly clenches his fists in anger as he watches the devastating events unfold on the screens. The coordinated chemical attacks across major cities and military installations have thrown the world into chaos, leaving countless lives at risk and sending shockwaves through global security networks.

Dustin's expression remains stoic, his mind already racing with strategies and plans to respond to the crisis.

Mihaly: We need to mobilize every available resource we have. Coordinate with our allies, activate emergency protocols... we cannot let this stand.

Dustin nods grimly, already issuing orders to his staff to begin contingency plans and coordinate with international partners.

Dustin: We'll need to establish communication channels with all affected regions immediately. Priority is containment, evacuation, and medical assistance.

Mihaly: Agreed. We can't afford to let this escalate any further. We need to contain the fallout and neutralize the threat before it spreads.

As they continue to monitor the situation and coordinate response efforts, the severity of the crisis weighs heavily on them both. The coming hours and days will test their resolve and the strength of their alliances like never before.

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