Ch 12: Command's not gonna like this...

79 6 13

Location: White House Presidential Bunker

The Emergency Broadcast System is heard buzzing in the room.

President Kara Valerie Lockheed:*sighs* Someone turn off that loud TV.

The TV is turned off as satellite videos are shown of the CIA Headquarters[on fire, bombed by USAF], Camp David[pushing the enemy back, needs reinforcements], and the Pentagon[half the building is on fire, but holding on], all attacked by the Grimm.

Kara: Most of MAC-SOC is out of the country and our allies are busy trying to save themselves.

Staff: We've got a call coming in from Menagerie.

Kara: Put them through.

Blake's image is shown on the screen.

Blake: Madam President, they're attacking us.

Kara: What's the status of the evacuations on your end?

Blake: They've haven't reached the evac areas, but the situation's still bad. We've lost contact with Vale, Mexico and Brazil.

Kara: I know. We just got reports that they're being attacked.

Blake: How are things looking on your end?

Kara: The situation's bad. I'm gonna need you to do something for-

Loud banging is heard above the bunker. Or in other words the White House.

Kara: Hold that thought.*to the Chief Secret Service Agent* What's happening?

Chief Secret Service Agent(Robin):*to his earpiece* Team report. What's happening up there?

Secret Service Officer:*via comms* It's not the Grimm! Some huge 12ft man is breaching the first floor! Oh god... RUN-*static*

Robin: Shit, get the President to the safe room and seal the doors!

Kara: What's happening?

Robin: There's someone else here.

The Secret Service Agents and the US Marines in the room ready their weapons as the doors are barricaded.

Kara: I want you all to listen. No matter what happens-

Gunshots and screams are heard behind the bunker doors.

Kara:*scared* On man. I know should have listened to Lincoln about not removing most of the White House Defence Weapon Systems.

Robin:*slowly looks at her* You what?

Kara:*scared* I... uh...

The doors are slammed open by a familiar figure.

Kara:*scared hiding behind desk* No, no, no, no, no, no.

The figure steps into the light revealing to be Hazel Rainart wearing black combat gear, a duster mask, and infused with multiple raw Dust crystals. He is also standing at of height of 12'5" and 6.4 wide.

Robin:*looking up with wide eyes* Holy crapballs...

Hazel just grunts at the shocked Secret Service Agents and the US Marines. But then he spots Kara.

Robin and the others looked back and forth knowing why.

Robin: PROTECT THE PRESIDENT!!*fires a few shots*

The Secret Service Agents and the US Marines opened fired at Hazel, but the bullets either ricochet off his Aura or did nothing but get stuck.

Kara: Get out of here! I'm not worth it.

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⏰ Last updated: May 22 ⏰

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