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Ellie stay with me please I said keeping her Company and holding her

Ellie your there daryl asked

Stay with me  I said it's been a few hours since she stop crying

Let me the baby Hershel asked then Carl hands over the baby

What are we gonna feed it Daryl asked

We got anything a baby can eat I asked

I I need to get up Ellie tells me Then she gets up

You okay I asked

I I need time she tells me

I'm not leaving you Ellie I told her then she takes my machete then she walks off

ELLIE NO I yelled

It's okay let her she needs the time rick tells me

Give me a fucking knife I said I take a knife then I go out to find her

Ash stop daryl tells me

She needs me I told him

She just Lost her mum Beth tells me

And I love her for fuck sake I told them

What Glenn question everyone have eyes on me

I love her okay I always have and I'm not going to leave her so she can died I told her

Ash Dom said

I know what it's like to lost a mom my died because she was sick died alone so she needs me I told them then I grabbed a axe then I go in to find her seeing that she killed every Walker then I find her on the floor

Ellie it's it's me ash I told her then she looks at me

Leave me please she tells me

Ellie please let me talk to you i I know what it's like to lost a mom I told her then she looks at me walks to me looking at me in the eyes

You don't understand

I do I do know what's like to lost a mom I know what's like to be not yourself staying away from others I get it but Ellie I care for you no matter what Ellie I told her then Rick comes in

Ellie hun it's me your dad remember? I'm here everyone is worried about you Rick tells her I gave Rick the axe

Now give me ash's machete rick tells Ellie then she does

Rick I need to take her she needs me I told him

I take care of it you get her rick tells me I was about to go then Rick stops me I looked at him

Thank you he tells me I nodded my head then he gives me my axe then I go back to the cell going upstairs to the my cell I cleaned her up blood on her face arms you name it then she falls asleep on the bed I lay down with her playing with her hair then Dom comes in

Is she okay he asked

Sleeping I never see her like that before I told him

Daryl is back he's get the baby things he tells me

Be down any min I told him then I looked up soon to realise that it was dark time then I head downstairs seeing dad holding the baby I smiled then Glenn walks over to me

How is she he asked

She's not doing well but don't wake her up wait until the morning I told him

Ask come her daryl called to me

Hold it Carl tells me daryl hands over the baby to me

She's Beautiful I told him looking at the baby

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