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When I wake up I hear Ellie heavy breathing then I sit up

Ellie you okay I asked

Nightmare again she tells me

Sam I asked

Yeah she tells me then she lays down

Come here I said then she comes close we stay up all night didn't realise it was morning then we hear screaming we both get up walkers coming in how did they in I killed them I see some people shooting then I see rick and everyone coming

Ash get everyone out Rick called to me

Alright let's go I said then everyone goes

Are we clean here rick asked

Yeah Sasha tells him

Yeah yeah I told them

Hey hey what about up here Ellie asked

Ellie honey are you okay I asked

Yeah I'm okay I'm okay she tells me Then she runs downstairs

Make sure to keep a eye out okay I asked

I will she said then I kiss her then she went I head upstairs look around seeing Rick I walked in the cell

Fucking hell I said
I come out outside seeing Ellie Maggie Carl and  michonne rick

You okay I asked her

Yeah I'm okay she tells me

Patrick got sick last night it's some kind of flu it moves fast we think he died and attacked the cell block Rick tell Maggie

Look I know he was your and I'm sorry kid i told him

He was good kid we a lost of good people Glenn and your dad okay but they were in there

You shouldn't get too close to anyone that might have been exposed at least for a little while Carl All of you he tells us

Get it boss I said I went inside hearing Ellie coughing I run to her

Ellie you okay I asked

Yeah I'm okay she tells me then she fall down I catch her

Hey hey whoa whoa I get you baby girl michonne get Hershel I called to her she does Then Hershel comes to me

Take her somewhere I promise come on Ellie Hershel tells me I nod my head

Be safe Ellie
I went see to Hershel

How is she I asked

Go to see her he asked

I do I said then he took me somewhere then I see her I started to cry

It's okay I'm here she tells me

How are you feeling I asked her

Like shit she tells her I chuckled then she smiled

But be strong for me okay she asked

Okay I will I told them

You get this make me proud okay she tells me

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