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I was in my home sitting on the couch waiting for anyone then Maggie comes in finding out that Pete was in a another home

Is he alive I asked her

He is Deanna planning a meeting if anyone wants to attend she tells me then she walks out then jessie comes out

You okay I ask her

I'm okay thank you for helping me I know that Ron and Sam might not like it here but it's what it is she tells me I nod my head

Your welcome to stay you know this right I said she smiled I nod it then I head outside I walked around then Deanna walks up to me

Ellie is awake and she's up and going she tells me I run to the building I open the door I see her laying down i walk to up her I sit down next to her

Hey your awake I said she looks up she holds my hand

I'm awake and alive she tells me I chuckled then I broke down into tears she played with my hair

Hey hey don't cry I'm here she tells me

I thought you were going to die on me I told her

It's not on you Deanna told me everything it's not on you it's was on Aidan Eugene save me and Tara she tell me I nod my head Then someone comes in

I'm Denise I was the one who helped your fiancé she's good to go home she said

Thank you I said I helped her up I opened the door up we went home I take her upstairs to our home laying her down on the bed

I make you something stay in the bed take a nap if you need to I said she smiled

Thank you she said

Jessie is staying with us letting you know I said she nods her head I want downstairs I made her food then I head upstairs I gave it to her

After that get some rest I told her she nods her then she went to sleep
It was dark outside I was walking around then I see Rick

The gate is open he tells me I run with him i killed the Walker rick kills three more

Help me with this he said I picked them up and take them to the meeting They looked at us

Getting rid of what I asked me and Rick Drop the Walkers on the floor everyone seems shocked what they looking at us

There's wasn't a guard on the gate so me and ash take care of it it was open. Rick tells them

I asked Gabriel to close it Spencer tells Deanna

Go Deanna ordered then he went to it

I didn't bring it in. It got inside its own, they always will- the dead and the living because we're in here and the ones out there... they'll hunt us. They'll find us. They'll try to use us they'll try to kill us but we'll kill them we'll survive. I'll show you how. You know, I was thinking- I was thinking, how many of you do I have kill to save your lives but I'm not gonna do that.Rick said

You're gonna change rick is not sorry for what i said last night i said

I'm sorry for not saying it sooner you're not ready, but you have to be. Right now , you have to be luck runs out he said then I see Pete with a Katanas

You're not one of us.
You're not one of us!

Pete, you don't want to do this reg said

Get the away from me, reg Pete warned him

Pete, just stop. Reg said Everyone goes back when everyone is freaking out

Get away from me

Reg. reg. Deanna calling to him

Get away get away!

Now Pete stop Pete-

Then out of the blue Pete Cut his throat everyone screaming I looked at him I run to Pete tackle him to the floor

Stay the fuck down I said then Abraham helps me too

This is him pete scream out

Shut the fuck up I said I grabbed his head

This is him!

Oh god Deanna sob out

Oh, my love, my love my love no, my love, no. She sobbed out then I let go of Pete letting Abraham doing it

No, my love

It's him! Pete scream out

This is him!

I looked at rick then Deanna sobbing her eyes out then Deanna looks at Rick

Rick.. do it she tells him rick turns around and kills Pete I looked at him

Be gone motherfucker I mumbled

Rick? Someone said I looked up to see Aaron and Daryl with someone

What the fuck I said

That's on season five this one was probably my favourite but I'll see you in season six this was fun to do and think it's one of my favourite episodes and seasons that I have done keep that in mind that this was also my favourite episode to do and I'm sorry that I had to put a. Stop into  it I like leaving cliffhangers into it so can you see me in season six next week

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