Rock in the road

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No no way in hell that was not the deal you people swore you could take the saviors out and you failed so any arrangements is now done null and void all right we aren't trade partners we aren't friends and we never met hmm we don't know each other I own nothing in face you own me for taking in the refugees at great personal Gregory said

Oh you were very brave staying in here while Maggie Sasha and ash saved this place your courage was inspiring Jesus told him I chuckled

Hey don't you work for me aren't we friends he asked I looked at him I threw my axe on his table he look at me With anger on his face

You take it out-

Shut up and listen your saying that saviors saying that they are they are nicest people on earth well they are not look at what they did to my right eye I don't care if you know me but one day they will take you and they may be nice or not I chuckled

But karma is going to hit you in ass I hope you understand what I say I told him then I take chunk of the table as lift my axe up I looked at rick

Sorry Rick let you talk I told him

Your alright ash you did well Gregory we already started this rick told him

You started it Gregory said

We did and we're gonna win rick told Gregory

These are killers Gregory told him

Is this how you want to live under their thumb killing your people Rick ask

S-sometimes we don't get to choose what our life looks like something Ricky you have to count the blessings you have he told Rick

How many people can we spare how many people here can fight Maggie asked

We? Gregory scoffs

I don't even know how many people we have Margaret and does it even matter I mean he scoffs

W-W-W-what are you gonna do start a platoon of sorghum farmers? Cause that's what we got they grow things they're not gonna want to fight Gregory told Maggie

You're wrong when people have the chance to do the right thing they usually step up I mean people just-

I-Let me stop you before you break into the song okay? Gregory cut Tara Off

And by the way who would train all this cannon fodder Gregory asked

I will Sasha said

Give me a week Rosita said

Rhetorical okay? I don't want to know I never want to hear another word about any of it ever he told us

Would we be better off without the saviors yes or no rick question

Yeah sure okay Gregory said

So what will you do to fix the problem michonne said

I didn't say we had a problem you did and what happens outside of my purview is outside of my purview he said putting up the thumbs up

What the hell man? You're either with us or you ain't you're sitting over there talking out of both sides of your mouth Daryl spoke up then Gregory stood up

Well I—–I think I've made my position very clear and I want to thank all of you for not being here today and not having this meeting with me or -or being seen on your way out in other works go out the back Gregory said

Like I said karma is gonna hit you in the ass I told him then I walk off then everyone started to walk out

We don't need him anyway Daryl told Rick

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