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I run in the room when she is then it hit me laying down on the bed Glenn told me Aidan shot a Walker Ellie try to stop him Nicholas get Noah killed Tara is unconscious

When is Nicholas I asked

Not now ash Glenn said

He get Ellie hurt if she's died that's on him I told him Then Nicholas comes in I looked at him with anger I walked up to him I grabbed his shirt

Ash stop Glenn tells me

Ash don't do this Cameron said

You get my fiancé hurt fucker why WHY I snapped

Ash let him go Travis said

I'm sorry I'm sorry it's her fault he said I punched him in the face Nicholas started to cry I knees down towards his face I grabbed his face

SHE- SHE did this if your brother fucking didn't shot the fucking grenade she would not get hurt that's on you not her you I snapped then I walked out going outside heading home then Travis and Cameron comes in i looked at them

What are you doing ash what was that travis asked

Me me if that's on me if she's died Travis I have never loved someone like before in my life except Ellie I have always have and I'm not ready to let her go I told them

I'm staying Travis's ash I hope you understand that Cameron said grabbing his stuff

Yeah go on I don't give a shit I said then they went out the door i slammed it then I head downstairs going to sleep
I wake up heading downstairs going to gun Store grabbed my axe then I feel a arm stoping me it was Maggie

When are you going she asked

On a Hunt I need to think I told her

You think Ellie let you do this she asked

I don't know maybe you ask yourself I said then I walked out the gate started to opening then i went out something stop me like I could hear a voice or some

Ash stop I heard from Deanna I stop I looked at her then Rick walks to me

Give me the axe ash he said

Are you fucking kidding me rick? Have you seen her? her fucking leg her own leg right leg I told him

I have ash I'm keeping myself pretty calm alright and you need to be there for her he said

Going for a walk need time Cameron can live with Travis if he wants that's fine by me I told him then I started to walk away then I stop To look at him

This group is broken by the way I hope you know that Rick I really do I told them then i walked off not caring what Rick will said then I was walking around then i stop I drop to the floor I broke down into tears thinking about that how am I going to keep her alive then I hear footsteps seeing it's Enid and Carl

Ash right Enid asked

Yeah that's me I said

What are you doing out today carl asked

I need time on myself my fiancé get hurt I told her

Is Ellie okay Carl asked

She's okay little dude I told him I get up going back the gate stars to opened up I went inside heading to my home I put my axe down on the table I sit down on the couch then Rick comes in alone with Deanna then rick sits down the couch with me

I know you don't want to talk ash and that's fine but if you want to talk let it out he tells me

Ash I know your going through a lot but we can help you Deanna told me

I don't know what will help me I told them Rick looks at me he nods his head

Way things make will better is you being there for her ash Deanna tells me I looked at her I nodded my head

I head over later on I told her then they walk out I had my hands on my head then I hear something smashed like a window I run to it i see Rick and Pete fighting

When's jessie I asked

At home reg tells me I run to her i see she's on the floor then she looks at me

Its okay It's me I told her

Ash thank god she said

I'm here when's your kids I asked

They're somewhere she tells me

Okay come with me I asked she nods her she grabbed her stuff she went to my home

Stay there okay I need to take care of this I told her I run outside I see Rick pointing a gun at Nicholas and Todd

You gonna kick me out? He said

Put that gun down, Rick Deanna asked

You still don't get it. None of you do!

We know what needs to be done and we do it. We're the ones who live. You, you just sit and plan and hesitate you pretend like you know when you don't.

You wish things weren't what they are. Well you want to live? You want this place to stay standing? Your way of doing is done.

Things don't get better because you- you want them to staring right now,we have to live in the real world.we have to control who lives here Rick said

That's never been more clear to me then it is right now Deanna told him

Me? Me? You- he laughs

You mean you mean me your way is gonna this place. It's gonna get people killed. It's already gotten people killed. And I'm not gonna stand by and just let it happen. If you don't fight you die I'm not gonna stand by- he was cut off by Michonne he was knocked out then she take his gun I take a step back

Fucking hell I said looking at her

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