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When first I met him...Jesus said that my world was gonna get a whole lot bigger. Well, we found that world. We found each other that..."bigger world us ours by right. That we've come together for it all of's that's much more true- it's our by right. Rick said giving out a speech

Any person who would love in peace and fairness who would find common's their right, too. I told them

But those who use and take and kill to carve out the world and make it theirs alone- we end them we don't... celebrate it we don't have shame about it, either. There's only one person who has to die...and I will kill him myself I will... I will...Rick tells us I nod my head

But if it's the others... the others prop him up stand by his side, even those who just look the other way-so be it. Then...we keep making the world bigger together. Rick tells us

Together Ezekiel said

Together I said

Bound forever! Ezekiel scream out

To quote the bard, "for he today that sheds his blood with me shall be my brother. Ezekiel said

For she today... my sisters he said patting me and Maggie on our shoulders Shiva roars I jumped Rick smiled

We've practiced we've been through it over and over again. We all know the plan doesn't end this morning that we may have to live in uncertainty for days, maybe more. That we have to keep our faith in each other. If we can hold on to that with everything we have, the future is ours. the world is ours Maggie tells us

Fighting matters either other when we fight we cry we laugh and we will have our future when it's supposed to be us where it's from Hilltop Alexandria the kingdom and the Oceanside but If we don't fight we die that is it for us to just keep fighting in matters I told them Rick smiled and pat me on the shoulder
We all at hilltop I walk around then I see rick standing at Glenn's grave and Abraham I walk over to him

Glenn save me Just gonna got out of the hospital He's a good person he tells me

Abraham and I go way back before the world went to shit I served in the Army with him when I was 19 it wasn't easy but he had my back when I left I became a drug dealer then I stopped being the drug dealer that I was supposed to be in safe my mother was in In the army came in when they Drop bombs my mum died that's when I join Negan's group it was before before I joined you when I left I was on the highway I live without no food and no water I want to survive by myself because I was fucking weak little prick true statement was an on me but you saved me and you became who I am not because I'm dating your daughter or I had my eye taken out you trusted me for who I am and I thank you for that Rick grimes I said he look at me

Help me kill me he ask me

I'll help you for sure for Glenn Abraham Sasha tyreese Spencer Olivia Nicholas Aidan Deanna many more we lost the ones that we love remember what you said to me we are the ones who live I said Then I walk off
We all arrived at the sanctuary we all get out and took Cover we all had guns up then started to shot then stop Then I see Negan

Let me talk to him I told Rick

Ash sweetie it's so good to see you alive but a soon as I saw your face and a soon as I found out you're in Rick's group my god I want to kill you he told me

That's not gonna be me going to kill you but I hope your bitch ass won't be alive for a little while I told him Cameron laugh quiet

Okay nice talking ya Well shit, I'm sorry. I was in a meeting Negan told us

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 24 ⏰

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