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Envy stepped aside, revealing the person behind her. Its was Gideon Graves. His sight made me feel cold. He stuck out a hand to me, i was confused but still shook his hand. "I need your help Scott." He said in a demanding voice. I gulped while putting my hand back in my pocket. "You're now one of Ramona's exes, Correct?". I nod. He smiles "Great, you'll be joining the league". He gave me a smirk which send shivers down my spine. "Don't i have a choice?". He took a step forward. "No, you don't". I took a step back returning the distance we had in the beginning. "I don't want to join, you guys always fight the people Ramona dates". I sounded confident but i really wasn't, Gideon had so much power, more than i could imagine.

I could feel a vibration in my back pocket, someone was calling me. "Give me one second please, i'm being called" i took my phone out of my back pocket, but before i could even answer, my phone got slapped out of my hand, immediately breaking when it hit the floor. "You don't need to answer anyone right now!" Gideon scoffed. His loud voice startled me. He stepped forward once more. "This is a rule! Be an ex and you're in the league!". I stepped back once me. "You have no choice". I could feel the sweat rolling down the sides of my face. He grabbed one of my hands forcefully. "No!" I screamed. I started to struggle but it was no use, he was way stronger than i imagined. I don't know if it was some sort of power he was putting into my arms but it hurted so much i had to drop to the ground. My knees hit the wooden floor. I took a quick peek at my cracked phone, even though the screen had busted into pieces i could still see who was calling me. It was Wallace, shit. "Stop looking at your phone and look at me!" Gideon screamed. I was too weak to resist his grip so i had to do as he said. I look up to see him with a smirk on his face. "Stand up" i did as he said, slowly getting off the hard floor. "Todd" he said. Apparently Todd somehow found his way to slip behind me without me noticing. I could feel him grabbing my hands and handcuffing them. "What! No! U can't do this!" I screamed struggling to get out of the handcuffs. "Its no use" Todd said "vegan powered". Gideon put a finger on my chest, which made me look up at him. "You have no choice Scott" he said. Tears started to flow in my eyes. "Please, tell Wallace not to come after me". Gideon smirked again. "Oh i'm sure he'll a message from us." That was the last thing i heard before i got punched by Todd making me lost consciousness.


Its been 7 hours without a message from Scott. My stress grew with every minute. I had stopped calling an hour ago, I'd thought if i stopped calling he might actually respond, sadly that was not the case. After 2 more stressful hours i got a call. Its was from Scott! I rushed as fast as i could towards my phone answering the call instantly. "Hello? Scott? Are you okay?" I asked. "This isn't Scott" the voice said. "Who are you?! What did you do with Scott". I yelled at the phone. "Did you want to say anything to your Scott?" He said. "What?" I asked. "Do you want to speak to Scott, Wallace?" I paused for a second. "What do you mean?". It took a minute for the man to answer. "Scott, i have him right here, he wanted me to tell you not to come looking for him, but i like to do things my way". That sentence scared me. "Yes i want to speak with Scott if i may" i said calmly. "Very well" i could hear him handing the phone to someone else.

"Wallace?" I heard Scott say. I was relieved to hear his voice. "Scott! Oh my god where are you? Are you okay? What did he do to you?!" i asked. "Calm down i'm okay, he took me to his base i think, he wanted me to join the league so now i work for him, which means i don't live with you anymore, Todd will be picking up my stuff tomorrow". I froze. Scott in the league? That can't be, he'd always told me how much he hated to league and that he swore to never join it. "What? No you can't!" I said. "I'm sorry Wallace, its the rules." He said. "No! Scott!" I screamed at the phone. I could hear a faint voice say "c'mon now" and then the call ended.

I just stood there, not able to do anything about the situation. I felt hopeless, and tired. I called Scott number twice again. No answer. "Fuck". This couldn't be happening. I dropped onto my bed. It was cold. I yet again missed something, i missed someone. I called once more, maybe he'd pick up now... but no, he didn't. I stared at the phone while laying in bed, i started to cry, first little sobs and tears, but after a short while i was crying my eyes out. I couldn't do anything! I was stuck here!


Gideon showed me where i would be staying. it was a small room. a bed, nightstand and a separate room, which was my bathroom. i stepped into the room and threw myself onto the bed. I turned to Gideon "why are you such an asshole?" I ask him. He seemed offended, angry even. He stepped towards me. He grabbed the collar of my shirt. "Say shit like that again, and i'll have Todd punch you twice as hard as before, got it?". He had such a demanding voice, it scared me. I nodded. "Good" he let me go and walked out of the room, closing the door shut.

I've tried opening the door multiple times, without any success of course. After a while i started to wonder why Gideon wanted me in the league anyway. I thought it broke apart when i bested  them all, besides i haven't seen any other members besides him and Todd. Also why was Envy working with them? She has more money and fame than Gideon, so she has no reason to work with him after all he's done. Living in this room wasn't all that bad. I could get all the food i wanted and i had an unlimited supply of comics and manga. Gideon also lends me some of his anime DVD's he had laying around. Even though it took a while to instal the tv into my room, i liked the distraction. He said he doesn't like them anymore but i'm pretty sure i've heard Julie talk about him watching them whenever she comes over. To be completely honest i don't know what she sees in him, but she deserves the happiness. That last thought reminded me of Wallace, i missed him.


I'm going crazy, its been 2 days without a note, message, call or letter from Scott. I decided to call Ramona, she must know something about where Scott could be or what he's gotten himself into. I dialled her number, she picked up pretty fast. "Hey Wallace, what's up?" She said, i could hear she was outside due to the sound of the wind blowing past her phone. "Hey Ramona, do you have a minute to talk, i have some questions." I asked her. "I have some spare time this evening, i'm assuming you don't want to talk about this over the phone." I laughed. "It would be more pleasant to have you here to talk, you can come around at any hour, i'm free all night." I said. "Sure thing, till then!" She said. "Alright see ya Ramona" after that i hanged up the phone.

After 3 hours there was a knock at my door. I walked over and opened it. "Hey Wallace, how is everything?" She asked. I gestured that she could come in and closed the door behind her. "Shit" i said. She gave me worried look "why so?". I sighed, "Scott is a part of the league now, Gideon kidnapped him". Her eyes widened. "I don't know where he is, Scott said Gideon's base or something, maybe you know where that is?" I said. She nodded "i know where he is" she said calmly. "You do?! Well lets go get him out!" I stood up and grabbed my coat. "Fine, lets get your boyfriend out that prison". Boyfriend? Scott wasn't my boyfriend. At least, not yet. We both left my house and i stepped into my car, Ramona followed me into the car, getting in the passenger seat. "So where is he?" I asked. She gave me the address. "Okay lets go, thank Ramona" i said while slowly getting out of the driveway and onto the road. "I'm not letting Gideon gain power by abusing Scott like this". I smiled.

Thank you all for reading part 1!! This fanfic will end up with 8 to 10 chapters.

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