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Wallace and i had gone through the entire first season of the show. Time flew by and it was getting late. Wallace had cooked a nice dinner for us. It was spaghetti with meatballs. I got up from the couch, turned the TV off and sat down at the dining table. Wallace put down the plate Infront of me and i waited until he sat down as well. After he had grabbed some silver wear he sat down in the chair on the other side of the table. "Bon Appetit" i said. Wallace raised an eyebrow and said "you speak French now?. I opened my mouth and sticked a fork with some spaghetti wrapped around it in it. Forget about what i said about the eggs and bacon, this was the best meal i've ever eaten. It was so good i started to eat faster. "Do you like it?" Wallace asked. No way he was asking me that when i was eating like a maniac. "Do i like it? I love it!" I exclaimed. He smiled at me "that's good to hear". After a short while i had finished my plate and saw that Wallace was just halfway done. I just looked at him eating his own meal. This was probably the first time i've watched Wallace in a loving way with him actually know i was.... unless he sleeps with one eye open at night, then he would've already. He didn't seem to notice i was looking at him until i put my arms on the table and rested my head onto them. He got flustered, i could tell. Wallace always looks away when he's embarrassed but manages to take quick peeks back and forth. I smiled at him and asked "do you mind if i play some video games?". He nodded and continued eating. Since i didn't want to be mean i stayed at the table until Wallace finished his food. He stood up and took my plate and silver wear "i'll do the dishes, you go play". I asked if he was sure and he told me i needed a bit of fun now that we're finally home.

I didn't think twice and ran to the computer. I looked through the games Wallace had stored on the shelves. Tetris... Zelda.. oh Sonic! I quickly grabbed the DVD and safely put it in the pc. The pc stuttered for a bit but then the game showed up on the screen. "Sonic the Hedgehog remaster" was writing big across the screen. There was catchy tune playing. I positioned myself Infront of the pc so i could play the game in a comfortable way. I pressed play and the screen changed from the title to a arcade themed level. I was controlling Sonic. The tune had turned into an intenser one and i could see enemies moving my way. They were little robots. I pressed left mouse button and Sonic turned into a ball. If i pressed E i would attack and if i combine it with left mouse button i would do an super attack. Quickly i took al the robots down. I walked further and the tune changed again. A big robot made his way into the screen and the sentence "Boss Battle, Doctor Eggman 0-01" was written at the top of the screen. "Bring it on!" I yelled. The robot attack me but i dodged it. Then i double combo attack it and it fell down. "Victory" was shown on the screen. I was happy. There was a little animation of Sonic dancing next to the defeated robot, like he was emoting.


I could hear Scott's happy yells from out the living room and it got me in a happy mood. Scott had been through a a lot. The envy incident, when he fought for Ramona and now the Gideon situation. I don't know how he's still so energetic and upbeat. I don't understand how he can be okay with all this. I would've broken down a long time ago if that were to happen to me. But i can't say i'm not glad that Scott is still alive and able to move on. I had finished washing the dishes and i wanted to see what Scott was up to. I walked out of the kitchen and into the living room. Scott was sitting right in front of the pc. Apparently he knew i was behind him because he stood up, turned around and gave me kiss. The sudden move made me flinch but i quickly grabbed Scott at his waist and pulled into the kiss more.
Once he pulled away he said "you're very pretty right now Wallace". I could my head getting hot and i started to mumble a thank you. He winked and smiled. He could be really serious at times and then so cute at others. I want to know how he does it.

Scott was still holding onto me but since i was a bit smaller than him it was very hard for me to stand in a way that wouldn't make my back hurt. Luckily he noticed and let go of the hug. "I'm sorry" he said. I felt guilty. He couldn't do anything about the fact i was smaller. "Hey how about this" i looked up. He went to go sit on the couch with his legs crossed. He gestured to me that i should go to him, and so i walked over. "Here, sit here" he pointed at his lap and i sticked my legs next to his waist so i could face him. Scott helped me get on his lap safely. After i sat down there was nothing i could do but face Scott. Our faces were very close. Of course Scott pressed his lips onto mine, catching me off guard. He decided to give me kisses all over my face, not just my lips. If Scott was wearing lipstick i would be red by now, literally. In between the kisses he would say "i love you". I hadn't realised he stopped until he didn't talk anymore. Now Scott was just looking at me which made me blush. "Am i going to get some kisses?" He asked. I didn't thinl twice and pressed my lips on his. After i pulled away he smiled out of approval. He wrapped him arms around me and hugged me tight. I couldn't believe how much i loved him. This was perfect.


It was late again, time went by fast when you were making out with your love. I could tell Wallace was tired, his kisses started to get weaker. "Are you sleepy?" I asked. He nodded. "Want to go to bed?". Wallace was silent for a second "are you even tired Scott?". I guess i wasn't, i could prob stay up all night if i wanted to. "No, not really" i said. Wallace responded "i'll go sleep then, don't go to bed too late". I agreed and Wallace got off my lap. He gave me a last kiss and said "Good night Scotty". I returned the gesture and then he left the room. I decided playing video games would make me forget about the time and i'd go to bed way too late. So i got up, sat in the chair next to the house phone and called Ramona. The phone rang 4 times before she picked up. "Hello, Ramona speaking". "Hey Ramona, how are you" i asked. "Scott hi, i'm okay i guess." Her tone changed with that last word. "Are you sure? You don't sound okay." I could hear a sigh through the phone "its just.." she fell silent "the whole evil exes situation gave me so much stress through out the years, i don't know how to relax anymore." She said. I was kind of shocked to hear that but i could also understand why she felt that way. I was under immense pressure when i had to fight them but Ramona has to be cautious if she even wants to talk to a person. The league would easily track the person and fight them whenever they wanted. "Need some help?" I asked. "No, i don't want you to get involved with any more trouble." She said. "Well, do you mind if i send someone over?". "A little company would nice, who did you have in mind?". I thought about it for a second until i heard Wallace yell "Kim" from the bedroom. I figured i was speaking too loud. "Will Kim be okay? She gives great advice." I asked. Ramona agreed, said goodbye and hung up the phone.

I decided not to call Kim since she wouldn't pick up if she saw it was Wallace's phone number calling. She tended not to enjoy chatting with me that much. So i figured that texting her would be my best option.
- "hey Kim, Ramona is having some personal issues and i told her you might want to help her, are you able to go to her place and talk with her?"

- "sure Scott, i'll see what i can do"

Now that i had helped Ramona i was actually feeling tired. Which surprised me because it had only take 30 minutes. I got up and walked over to the bedroom. I opened the door as quiet as possible but instead of seeing Wallace laying in bed he was standing besides the bed, like he was waiting from me. "I thought you were going to go to bed?" I asked concerned. "The bed" he said "its cold without you". I laughed "so you couldn't sleep without me?" He shook his head. "Okay give me a minute". I grabbed my sleepwear and changed myself. Wallace just watched me the entire time. "Okay done" i got into the bed and he followed me. "Cuddle?" He asked. "Of course Wally" i turned around to face him and he immediately wrapped his arms around me. His head was below mine again i gave him some kisses. After a short while i could hear him making little snores. It calmed me down and so i fell asleep short after.

A/N: Okay so the next chapter will be the last!! I've decided to write another fanfic but it will be based on the ship salvis from sally face. I'll probably write another scott pilgrim fanfic in the future focussing on Todd x Wallace maybe. Anyway, have a nice day!!

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