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A/N okay so there will be 2 more chapters after this cuz i really don't know what to add to this story anymore T_T. I will still write but another story of a different ship. Wallace x Todd maybe? Or a  _____ x reader story, idk i'm still figuring it out. If u have an idea or request for a new story let me know by commenting on this part. Ty all for reading, it means a lot to me <3


I woke up, earlier then Wallace which was rare. Normally he'd already be making breakfast or something. But now i was awake before him. I decided to surprise him in any way. I got out of bed slow and steady. I tried to make as least noise as possible so i didn't wake Wallace up. To my surprise he was sleeping like a baby, nothing could wake him. He was cute in my opinion, laying there without a care in the world. After looking at Wallace for at least 2 minutes i changed out of my sleepwear, put my coat on and headed out the door. I wanted to surprise Wallace with a bouquet. I knew he like lilies so i  knew what i needed to look for. Luckily there was a flower shop nearby. It took me 10 minutes to get there. When i entered my nose was filled with a refreshing scent. It smelled like a rainforest and perfume shop. I don't know if that makes any sense, it does for me. I saw some sunflowers to my right, they were bright yellow. When i looked to my right i met a row full of different coloured tulips. I remember Stephen telling me about the huge fields of tulips in The Netherlands. I wanted to go with him but Wallace insisted i stayed with him, now i know why. The story was pretty big and i didn't want to lose a lot of time in case Wallace had set and alarm so i decided to ask one of the employers in the store to help me find the lilies. I approached a man wearing a green uniform and asked "hi sir, can u help me with something?" He turned to look at me "do i look like i work here to you?!" his voice was raspy. "Sorry i thought u were one of the employers, my bad" i said taking a step back. He chuckled  "just fucking with ya, what is it i can help you with?" I sighed out of relieve and told the man i needed to buy lilies. I wasn't sure if his behaviour was practical, he could've made someone scared if he did that to someone more sensitive than me but i didn't tell him that because i wasn't here to complain about the workers. "Sure man, follow me" he said. I follow him to an area further back in the store. The area was filled with lilies. "Thanks" i said and he gave me a thumbs up, after that he left.

I looked at all the lilies, there were so many. I had a hard time choosing which type Wallace would like the most. I ended up choosing dark blue lilies. (Idk if those exist, pretend they do). I checked the price and i was happy it didn't cost me a fortune, i was in between jobs after all. I grabbed the bouquet of dark blue lilies and took them to the cashier. The woman behind the cash register gave me a happy smile. "For your girlfriend?" She asked. I was stunned . I've always said yes to that question but now it wasn't a girlfriend. It was a boyfriend. I quickly decided that i wasn't ready to come out yet, even if it was just a cashier who i would never speak again, it felt too soon. I just needed some time. I nodded yes and she wrapped a shiny pink string around the bouquet. "Here, that'll be $25,25" she handed me the bouquet and i gave her the money. "Have a nice day" she said and i returned the sentence. I stepped out the store and headed home. It was snowing again. I covered the flowers with my arms so it didn't get ruined by the snow. After walking 10 minutes i was home. I took the keys from one of the pockets on my jacket and opened the door.


I woke up, cold. Once i opened my eyes there wasn't a person next to me, nobody to cuddle. Where was Scott? Did he? No he wouldn't leave me like that? I mean maybe he did, i must've made him uncomfortable with the shower comment. God no Scott. I left the bed and began panicking. I started searching every room and calling Scott's name a billion times. "This isn't funny, come out now!.... please?" I said. After a short while i gave up. I was hopeless, again. He wasn't here and its all becau-. There was a sound coming from the front door. Someone was unlocking the front door and the only one who has a key besides me is Scott. I looked at the the door slowly opening while i was crying on my knees. Scott was in the door way. A cold wind flew past him entering the room.

"Wallace what are you doing on the floor?" He asked. He stepped inside and closed the door behind him. "Are you crying?" I nodded since i couldn't speak due to me sobbing. He was holding something behind him but i didn't question it. He took his coat of and crouched next to me. "Why are you crying Wally?" He asked. His voice sounded concerned. He was actually worried. "Where were you?" I asked. He smiled "i was out shopping". I was relieved "why would you go ouy without telling me? I thought.." a tear rolled down my cheek. He helped me up and said "to surprise you". I was confused and curious "surprise me with what?" I asked him. "With this" he pulled out a beautiful bouquet of flowers from behind his back. He handed it to me and i took it. It was filled with dark blue lilies, my favourite flower and colour. I was crying again. I smelled the flowers, they smelled nice. A comforting smell i'd say. "You got this, for me?" I asked. He smiled and nodded. "Of course, i love you Wally" he said. I put the bouquet in a vase and added some "food" for the flowers to the water, then once i was done i looked back at Scott. "I love you too Scott" i ran into his arms hugging him tight. His hug was so warm. Since he was a bit taller than me he was able to kiss my head and so he did.

Scott didn't leave, he went to get me flowers. And my favourite flowers too. I couldn't believe it. I know it doesn't sound special but my ex boyfriends never lasted long. Meaning they all left soon enough, i was either a one night stand, or a side piece without knowing i was. But i knew this was more than that. Scott always came back to me, even if it was just because he needed to sleep somewhere, he was always close. "Do you like the flowers?" He asked breaking my thought bubble. "I do, they smell nice and are very pretty, just like you" i said. He kissed me on the lips and then hugged me again "i'm sorry for leaving without telling you, i should've written a note or something." His voice made me feel guilty, like it was all my fault. But i wasn't it was nobody's fault. "I'm sorry for crying, u must think i'm pathetic. Or a maniac because i almost broke down due to you leaving for 45 minutes or so."

I was crying again, still hugging him. Scott was silent for a second until he said something i'll probably never forget "i think you're the most impressive person i've ever met Wallace. You always act like you're okay all the time but i've always know you really weren't, but now i see that you've found the person you can show your actual feelings too. I think that's very impressive. And i know i've always dumped my problems on you ever since we met, but i think that's because i knew from the start that you were someone special. I guess now i know why i had that feeling. To be honest with you Wallace, i've always loved you but i don't think i was brave enough to talk about it and it makes me happy that you were able to me to the point where i was able to tell you, and now u being able to talk to me about your feelings is amazing. I love you Wallace." I was basically sobbing my eyes out at this point, so badly it was starting to hurt a bit. Scott was perfect i don't i'll find anyone better then him. "I love you too Scotty." I hugged him tightly and i didn't think of ever letting him go.

It was nice. Scott had started humming one of the songs Stephen had written. We were just holding each other. My head was in his neck and his head was laying on top of mine. His hand were wrapped around me. I had wrapped my arms so they went around his back with my hands touching and holding his shoulders. Scott would kiss my forehead every now and then. I asked if he wanted to cuddle on the couch and he said yes. Without breaking the embrace we moved to couch and Scott turned on the TV. "Want to watch something?" He asked. "Sure but not too long, i'm not in the mood to watch a movie or something". He agreed and asked if i wanted to watch "inside job" with him. I hadn't heard of the show before but i was open to give it a shot. Scott put the show on and then put an arm around me. He pulled me closer to him while watching the show. Before i knew it we where a few episodes into the show and there was a scene where one of the character was kissing the person they loved. I felt like i needed to say something. "Hey Scotty?" I asked. He looked at me "yes Wally?". God why do i ask this "do you think anyone could ever love me like they do?". He looked at me like i had failed the easiest task ever. "Wally, can i ask you something?" He asked. I was nervous but still nodded. "Am i a joke to you". I started laughing and Scott joined me soon after. We laughed for a short while until he pulled me into a kiss. I put my hands on his lap and his arms were around my waist. Once he broke the kiss he made a silly face making me laugh again. I laid back down to cuddle again and he quickly put his arms into a comfortable and embracing position. This was perfect. Me and Scott.

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