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its been...too many days. I've watched all the anime's Gideon gave me, and read all the comics. I think he only ever gave me entertainment was so that i wouldn't start complaining about being stuck here. The food is nice though, but i really need to clean my bathroom. I don't even know why he has me anymore. He said he needed me for something but there hasn't been any hints on what that could be. luckily there was a button in the room, i can use it to call any of the employers in this place. I decided to use it today because i had nothing better to do anyway. I pressed the button. After a short while Todd showed up at my room. He opened the door and asked "what do you want?". i was hesitant for a while, not knowing if i should tell him i was bored or to lie and make him go get me something i didn't need. "well?" he asked. "i- uh wanted to speak with Gideon if i may" i said. he sighed. "alright i'll send him here".

It took about 20 minutes for Gideon to show up at my room. He opened the room and slammed it behind him. He had a annoyed look on his face. "What the fuck do you need" he scoffed. I gulped. "When are we going to do the thing u needed me for? Its been a week... i think" i asked. Gideon took a step forward. "Listen here, there is no plan, i don't need you for anything." He said. What? No plan then why did i have to stay here in this boooooringgg room. I gave him a confused look. "Why am i here then" i said it calmly since i didn't want to get him angry, or at least angrier. "I need you here to get Ramona to me, you're just bait."

I was devastated. Bait? "Are you kidding me?!" I said. He shrugged. "How much longer are you going to keep me here?!". He chuckled "until Ramona shows up. Then you can go your way i guess, unless u want to stay here that is". I shook my head "no way your taste in anime sucks!" His face expression got intenser. "Listen here you little sh-". Before he could finish his sentence the alarm went off.


Ramona kicked the front door in with fierce. "Lets go". I nodded. When we got into Gideon's so called base we ran into some guards. Luckily Ramona was able to take them out. Without her i was hopeless, i couldn't fight for shit. One of the security camera's had spotted us and the alarm went off. Now everything in the building was filling with red flashing light and an ear raping sound that pierced into my head. Lucky for us, someone had turned it off, we could see Todd in the room Infront of us. On the door there was a sign which said 'Buttons and Stuff' it was hanging sideways. Todd walked out the room, took a look at us then said "Ramona, welcome" he pulled a smirk and then walked off. Me and Ramona just shared a quick look and then continued searching for Scott.

I ran into a hall with a lot of door. They all had names on them: Ken,Kyle,Roxie,Lucas,Matthew,Todd and Gideon. As i looked at each door i noticed one of them had a green light coming out of them. The door said "Todd". I took a quick peek inside and saw Todd eat some leek. Apparently that's what made his hair glow that bright green colour. Heh funny. I looked at the next door, it was a lot bigger and painted red. Unlike all the other door which were black. It said "Gideon (the boss)". I didn't want to know if he was in there or not so i just kept going to the next door. Its said "guest room". I didn't think twice and called for Ramona. She ran towards me and i said "i think he's in here, lets kn-" but before i could finish she grabber a huge hammer out of her bag and rammed it into the door. "That also works..". The was a scream from out the room. Ramona took her hammer back and i peeked into the room through the hole.


what the actual flip was that? Wait i know that hammer! Its Ramona. I ran towards the hole and i saw her standing there smiling. I looked at the person next to her, it was Wallace! He went to save me. Wallace started crying "Scott you're okay! I'm so glad" he said. Ramona pulled me through the hole and i hugged Wallace. Then i realised something, they went to save me. Ramona fell right into Gideon's trap. "U guys need to Gideon!" I yelped. "We need to what?" They said, but before i could answer a huge cage fell over Ramona's head trapping her. "Heh it worked, of course it did" Gideon says before making his way out of his room into the hall, he had a big smirk on his face. "NO! Fuck this wasn't supposed to happen" i screamed. "What is happening Scott!" Ramona said putting her hands on the bars of the cage. "He used me as bait to-" i was cut off by the sound of a door slamming shut. "Go! Now!" Ramona yelled. I looked at her once before running to the door with the exist sign above it. Wallace and i had left the building together. I ran to his house, somehow i knew the way. I put Wallace down and hugged him.


Scott was home, he was home with me. I started to cry, not just little sobs but crying like this was the last time i could cry at all. "Scott i" he put a finger on my lips. "Don't say anything, i know" he said. "I like you as well Wally". I started tearing up again. "But we can't talk about it now, Ramona isn't safe there" i nodded. He wiped the tears from my eyes with his thumb. I was happy. It wasn't cold anymore.


"Leave me alone you fucker!" I screamed at Gideon. He smirked, he was standing on a desk to make himself more intimidating. "language darling" he said. "Don't make me laugh Gideon, or should i say Gordon, Gordon Goose." He dropped down to face me. "Where is the rest huh? Did no one want to help you with the bullshit you planned?" I said. Suddenly i could hear two voices coming from behind me. "Now now, put some respect on Gideon's name, after all he managed to get you here on his own again." I looked behind me and i could see the Katayanagi twins through the bars of my "cage" standing with their arms crossed. "That's not correct, i helped too" said Todd who had slipped into the room as well. "All respect to you Gideon, you're  the master brain" said Roxie walking towards my "cage". She put her hands on the bars and smiling. Her smile faded when something hit her head, it was an skateboard. "Fuck you Lucas" she yelled. "Doesn't get old" Lucas said. I looked at each one of my lovely exes and realised one was missing, the most important one in my opinion. "Let me out at once! Also where is Matthew? Couldn't convince him Gordon?". He stepped towards my cage "Stop calling me that, you're not Julie. Matthew had better things to do, at least that's what he said. That's why we're going to make you watch all of his so called "musicals", on loop". I bursted out laughing "better then your anime i guess". He frowned "Oh you little sh-".


I was just walking around Toronto, minding my business when i heard a scream. I ran towards the direction where the scream came from. "We need to go now Wally, she's not safe there!" Was said. Once i got closer i saw Scott, Scott Pilgrim. "Is everything okay over here?" I asked. Scott and Wallace looked over at him. "No not really" he said. "Why what happened?". He looked down. Wallace put a hand on his back "Gideon has Ramona, they're at G-man corps. I was kidnapped by him but Ramona and i managed to get Scott out. But that was Gideon's plan all along, he used Scott as bait to get Ramona here" Wallace said. I was stunned. I thought Gideon stopped being an bad guy, and leader of the league. Guess he really was power hungry. "Well, are we going to get her out or not?" I said. "You want to help? After i have beated you mutible times" Scott asked. I nodded "i'm not doing this for you, i'm doing this for Ramona's sake, who know what they're going to do with her". Wallace and Scott gave me a determent look. "Got a plan?" They asked, at the same time which made them laugh. "I might have a way, but you're going to have to trust me." I said.

A/N this chapter is very chaotic. I hope it made sense to you guys, thank you all for reading it means a lot to me.

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