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Final part of this story :)

Smut warning (minors leave/j)


I was woken up by thunder. I hated thunder, it scared me. The flash before the actual sound creeped me out. I wrapped my arms back around Scott who was still asleep. I tried to fall back asleep but the thunder wasn't helping. I was shaking. I tighten my grip around Scott which had woken him up. "Wallace?.. why are you still up?" He asked with a sleepy voice. "I'm sorry, the thunder woke me up". Scott's expression changed when the sound of thunder was heard and i once again hugged him tight. "Are you, afraid of thunder?". I just nodded stuffing my face into his chest. "I have something for that" he said "i need to get out of bed to get it though, are you okay with that?". I thought about it but then nodded knowing that maybe i'll be able to sleep again. Scott got out of bed and i was hit by the cold feeling again. It took Scott 2 minutes to return. He was holding something in his hand. Once he got back in bed i clinged onto him like glue. "Here" he opened his hand and inside was a pair of earbuds. "Put these in, i charged them so they should last all night. I'll put on a playlist for you, it includes calming songs that might help you relax and eventually fall asleep". I put the earbuds in and i could hear a  nice piano with some other calming noises. It immediately calmed my mood. "Thanks Scotty, i love you". Scott gave me a kiss on the head and said "i love you too Wally". Then we both drifted back off.


Normally i can control this feeling but Wallace was so close to me it was very difficult. He was basically pulling me into and i guess it felt good, but i wouldn't do it right next to him while he was sleeping, i needed to get out of bed without him noticing. I figured going up and then getting off the bed was my best approach. I put my hands on the bed and pushed myself up, as i expected Wallace pulled on my legs in his sleep. I grabbed a pillow and put it in the place where my legs were. He grabbed onto it and hugged it. Once i finally got out of the bed i took a leap for the bathroom, i entered it, closed the door and sat down against the door. I knew i needed to get done quickly because Wallace might wake up. So i pulled my pants down and started to rub my member through my boxers. I pressed my thumb on the tip and softly rubbed it. A small moan left my mouth mixed with panting. I took my boxers off and increased my pace. Now the quiet cold bathroom was filled with moans. my moans. I kept stroking it until i was interrupter by the door opening behind me. I fell and looked up to see Wallace with a sad expression which soon changed into an intrigued one. "i um, sorry" i said nervously. He entered the bathroom and closed the door. I sat back up looking at Wallace the entire time. I still didn't have underwear on and i could see Wallace looking at my shaft. Suddenly he got on his knees Infront of me. It startled me and my dick twitched. "May i?" He said. Not knowing what he meant i asked "what.. what do you want to do?". He gave a me 'are u kidding me' kind of look. I got what he meant and my mind went the crazy. Why would he? I'm not going to force him but he offered the idea himself so i guess its fine right? "Mhm" i said nodding. He came a little closer and slowly pushed my legs open. "Are you sure? If you don't want to i can just let you do it yourself".  I couldn't back down  now so i just agreed.

Wallace had taken my member in his hand, it twitched. He started to stroke it. He was very gentle making sure i wouldn't freak out, which i liked. his eyes kept switching from my shaft to my face, i figured he was trying to see what would make me feel good. Then he hit a certain spot with his hand, it send tingles down my body, the good ones. Wallace seemed to notice because he started stroking that spot faster. I've never felt this good. Once my member was hard enough Wallace asked me "can i?" And pointed at his mouth. I was surprised by the offer but gladly took it. Wallace positioned himself comfortable and then he slowly put my member in his mouth. It was very warm and pleasing. He started to lick it softly making me moan. Of my signal he picked up the pace and before i knew it his tongue was going around my shaft like it needed to protect it. Wallace also started to actually suck my dick, he started of slow but eventually he went faster with every moan i let out. "Fuck~" i said. Wallace kept going faster with every sound i made. I could tell he had done this before, i mean of course he had, but i was impressed on how he could find my sweet spots so easily. I was very close to cumming. "Please~ don't stop now~"i said moaning loudly. Wallace went faster for the last time making me finish quick and easily. My semen was in his mouth and before i could tell Wallace to spit it out he swallowed it right in front of my weak body. "Wally, why?" I asked. He shrugged "i don't know, just felt like it i guess".


Scott was easy to please, his spots weren't hidden well. Now my loving, horny boyfriend was laying half dead on the bathroom floor, naked from below. "C'mon Scott, its still night and i am tired after finishing you." Scott sighed, got up, put his boxers back on and opened bathroom door. He stepped through and walked me to the bedroom. "After you sir" he said trying to goof up the mood. I laughed at his cringy comment and plopped back onto the bed. Scott followed me into bed and i hugged him as soon as he laid down. Giving me a welcoming feeling "I forgot to say this" he said and i looked up at him. "That was really good, probably the best head i've ever gotten, i'm impressed." Omg Scott is such a goof. "Thanks Scotty, i've been gay my whole life so i have a lot of experience". He gave me a confused "that's not how it really works right? If so i got to become gay qui- oh wait being bi is also gay, sorry". I just looked at him in disbelieve. "You cannot be serious right now" i said. "What! I didn't know okay." I sighed. "I'm not like you Wallace" he said, it sounded sad. "What do you mean by that?" I asked. He looked down "well you're so talented and smart, meanwhile i'm just Scott, Scott Pilgrim. The guy that dated Envy Adams." I was shocked of his words. "That's not true, the talentless part. I've seen you play bass and sing, defeat the exes, be able to smile through so much trauma. I could keep going but then we'll be here until next week or so. What i'm trying to say is; you're a great guy Scott. You've always been to me. Please don't think so low of yourself when you really are amazing". Scott had starting crying half way in my speech. "Its okay baby, here" i hugged him and he wrapped his arms around me. "I'm happy with you Wallace, you make me happy". I smiled and said "i love you Scott, you're the best thing that has ever happened to me, i know i'm not the best at showing but i truly love you". He kissed me and said "you know i'm easy to fool, but i'm also great at understanding". He stopped to kiss me again "i love you so much Wallace". With that said we tightened the hug and drowned in each others warmth.

A/N: i hope you guys enjoyed this Story! I had a lot of fun writing it. I know the last chapter seemed rushed but that's because i really didn't know what to put in them so i apologise for that. Anyway now i'm going to starting writing a Sally Face fanfiction called "a new chance?". Thank you all so much for reading this story i love you all! <3

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