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Y/N's pov: 

"achoo! sorry.." i sneeze and took a paper towel to wipe my nose.

" you okay Y/N?" nat asked me, i smiled and nodded. 

" im good, just sneeze out of nowhere." i sniffled my nose.

" maybe its because of the girl you bumped into. she was staring at you like you're gonna disappear from her sight, she was practically drooling over you." Yelena smirked earning a tease from brie and michelle. 

" oh fuck off lena. im way off of her league." i said to lena, i earned a scoff from michelle.

" even though youre really smart in combat you are seriously not seeing that the girl practically was forming heart eyes towards you." michelle said and i just rolled my eyes. 

" yeah, and get this she's a famous actress and singer." brie added and i raise my eyebrow.

" how the fuck did you even know that?" i asked as we cleaned our  armory. 

" i have my ways buddy." brie said and i just chuckled.

"guys, i know you want me to partner up but its just not happening." i said shrugging my shoulders continuing to clean my gun.

" i bet 100 bucks she'll fall for that girl." Yelena practically yelled over us and i just send a glare towards her.

"are you fucking serious?" i said to her with no emotion and she just smirked.

" alright. i bet 100 bucks they wont so it would be more challenging." michelle smirked and Yelena cheered and pointed at me.

" you my friend will end up with that girl, i should know im friends with cupid you know." she said puffing out her chest, brie and nat laughed at her antics and i just rolled my eyes.

" you are just wasting a hundred bucks over a girl whom i wont see again for what? i dont know, forever." i said looking at them.

" her name is hailee steinfeld, look her up." Nat said out of nowhere and i just look at her wide-eyed.

" oh not you too...seriously? youre considering their little bet?" i said to her flabbergasted. 

she shrug her shoulders and stood up patted my shoulder, " makes it more interesting."  

they laughed and i just sigh in disbelief smiling. 

" i told you cats are better than dogs! dogs just bites everything they see!" 

" dogs are loyal to their owner and cats also scratch things you know!" 

" atleast they dont slobber and leave their shit behind." 

we heard voices arguing and we all know it was jennifer and olsen arguing. again.

they entered the tent and gadot holding her head like shes gonna explode any time soon.

" i cant with these two, they've been arguing over what's a better companion." she said sighing and lying down on her bed massaging her temples i just laugh at them and so did the rest.

" olsen, jen dogs and cats are good companions they have disadvantages and advantages the both side. its just a question whether youre a cat person or a dog person or both. and clearly jen is a dog person and olsen is a cat one so respect each other's opinion. you really do sound like a married couple arguing." i said to them and they both huff in annoyance.

" see what i mean?" michelle said and jen spoke.

" well, she argues with me with everything i cant back down from that." earning a playful glare from olsen.

Lost Constellations: Dying Embers, Undying Love ( Y/N x Hailee Steinfeld )Where stories live. Discover now